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   The next three days fly by after the weird dinner. Mike worked late and I helped Lauren around the house. I talked to Aunt Mary and with my best friend Katie back home. They both wanted to know everything that has been going on since I got to San Antonio but there really isn't much to tell them. Nothing major has happened while being here. Except my huge crush on my ever so sexy and attractive... umm... Lauren but I wasn't going to tell them that, especially my aunt. I want to tell Katie but I'm not ready to just yet. I think it's best to keep it to myself for now.

Spring break is over and tomorrow morning will be my first day of school at Alamo Vista. I am actually looking forward to it in a way because I need a distraction from Lauren. It seems like she is the only thing that occupies my mind since I got here. Hopefully I can make some friends at my new school.

Monday morning rolls around and I wake up early. Well earlier than I need to be up. School starts at 8 a.m. but since I will be riding with Lauren she has to get there at 7:30 a.m. That still doesn't mean I should be awake at 5 a.m. but I am. I scroll through social media for about 30 minutes before jumping in the shower. After my shower, I pick out clothes for the first day laying them on the bed. I am standing in my room in a sports bra and a pair of boxers with the towel wrapped around my head trying to dry my hair out.

All of a sudden my door opens and I hear a gasp. I turn around to see Lauren standing in my doorway with her mouth open and her face red while she is looking at me. I ask "is something wrong?" She doesn't hear me so I walk up to her and rub her upper arm. "Is everything okay? Did you need something?" She snaps out of her daze clearing her throat "I... I was just checking you... I-I mean... to see if you were... awake because I heard noise. Wow, y-you are really in good shape. Sorry to barge in without knocking I figured you were still asleep." Her eyes involuntarily travel down my body then back up before she hurries out of my room closing the door behind her.

I can't help but laugh at how embarrassed Lauren was and her always blushing cheeks are adorable on her. I wonder if she feels the magnetic pull that I do. Something is there between us or at least for me there is. She could have just been embarrassed for busting in without knocking but I think it was more than that. I mean she did blatantly check me out while I was looking at her.

After dressing and grabbing what I need for school I go downstairs for breakfast before we have to leave. Lauren is at the island drinking coffee and apparently the sperm donor is already gone, go figure. She looks up at me but doesn't look me in my eyes, "your plate of breakfast is in the microwave. Hurry and eat so we can go please, I have to get all your paperwork taken care of this morning for you to start school here. Your dad was going to take you this morning and do all that but he didn't have time, he had to leave early."

"Okay, thank you" I say as I watch her waiting to see if she will look at me. She looks everywhere but at me. As I'm eating I can feel her eyes one me. I finally look up and as I look at her she quickly looks down into her coffee cup. I laugh to myself at how Lauren is acting. I wonder what's going through her mind right now?

After eating I grab Lauren's coffee cup and wash it and my plate and glass. When I turn around Lauren is standing by the garage door waiting for me. My eyes immediately go to her and the black skirt she is wearing. I haven't seen her in anything like this and my eyes are glued to her toned legs and ass and the hint of cleavage visible from the top of her white blouse. She is stunning. "Kyler." She says bringing me out of my trance. She shakes her head then says "come on so we can go."

I walk past her into the garage and get a whiff of her Light Blue perfume she bought when we went shopping and oh my god let me tell you... this woman...  I turn around quickly to ask a question and I run right into her, not knowing she is that close to me. My hands automatically go to her hips and I accidentally push her against the door to keep us from falling. Lauren's hands go around my torso helping balance me so I don't fall.

I don't know if it's from us both nearly falling or our bodies being pressed against one another but we are both breathing a little heavy. Our lips are inches apart and I want to kiss hers so bad. I look in Lauren's eyes and I swear I see... desire in them. I let go of her and move back before doing something that I might not regret but she would.

We both just get in her Land Rover so we can get to school. Honestly I don't even remember what I was going to ask her. As she is backing out of the garage my eyes go to her thighs where her skirt rode up when she sat down. "Can I help you?" Lauren asks as she cuts her eyes at me. "You look incredible Lauren. Seriously, you're gorgeous." I gush without thinking. Her cheeks turn red and she bites her lip and looks straight ahead.

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