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   I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face and neither can Lauren. We are both quite, just letting everything that just happened sink in. I can't believe she let it go that far but I'm damn sure not complaining. That was something I've been wanting to do and it was better than I could have imagined. "I don't think I will ever look at this desk the same anymore." Lauren mumbles more to herself than to me but she is still smiling.

Just as we are putting the last few things back on Lauren's desk the office phone rings. She quickly tries to normalize her breathing, then answers "Principal James speaking." Her eyes go wide for a minute and she glances at me then at the door. She mouths "unlock the door, now." I quickly unlock it and take a seat in front of her desk. "Thank you Mrs. Scott" Lauren says and hangs the phone up. "What is it?" I ask just as her office door opens.

"Ahh, Ms. James... and Ms. Adams. Nice to see you both here." I glance at Lauren and she just shrugs. "Have a seat, Superintendent Jones," Lauren says as she sits down at her desk. He sits in the chair beside me and looks around the office. "Doing a little end of the year cleaning huh?" He asks as he breathes in. I have to turn my head to keep from laughing. If he only knew what we were actually doing. "Of course sir" she says and I can tell by her voice she is wondering why he is here. Hell I'm wondering the same thing but I have a guess.

Mr. Jones scoots to the edge of the chair "Lauren, we need to talk about graduation. The ceremony was great. Well until the end when Ms. Adams hijacked a mic." He looked at me and I just slightly smiled at him. "Look Lauren, I have had quite a few faculty members and concerned parents contact me about you going on a date with a student. There are quite a few of the parents and even a couple teachers that want you fired."

I quickly interrupt "I'm not a student anymore and didn't ask her out until after I had graduated and was no longer considered a student."

Mr. Jones looks at me then back at Lauren. "That should have never happened. It's highly inappropriate and I don't quite understand why you would accept a date with a child." I stand up so fast my chair nearly turns over but I grab it before it does.

"I'm not a child, I am 18 so there's really no problem with her accepting the date." He stands up and walks to the side of Lauren's desk and sits on the corner facing her not even paying me any attention.

"Lauren, you were married to a man. If you want to date someone, I can guarantee you, there are plenty of available male faculty members just at this school that are more than willing to take you on a date."

I start to walk around Lauren's desk to be beside her but she glances at me and shakes her head. "Mr. Jones, I'm sorry but my personal life is just that. It's personal. I probably should have waited until we were away from school to accept Kyler's offer for a date but I didn't see anything wrong with it since she was no longer a student."

He laughs "well honestly you shouldn't have accepted it at all. You're a very beautiful woman and there's no way in hell you are gay. Any man alive would love to show you a good time. I might be married but I would gladly..."

Lauren cuts him off "I think it's best if you don't finish that sentence Mr. Jones." She stands up from her desk and looks at him "I quit you perverted, homophobic asshole. Now, you don't have to worry about any of the faculty or parents. Also, I can date anyone I damn well please." She starts gathering her personal belongings and puts them in an empty paper box.

I just stand there for a few minutes because I'm in shock at what Lauren just did. I mean I understand why she quit her job but I'm shocked that she actually did it. I was not expecting that at all but I'm so proud of my woman. I grab some of her personal belongings and set them in a smaller empty box so we can get out of here.

"Kyler, lets go." Lauren says as she walks towards the door. Mr. Jones grabs her arm "Now come on Lauren, I think we can work something out. Don't you think you can do me a favor and then we can put this all behind us? You will get to keep your job and I get something I want in return."

I quickly walk over and jerk his hand off of Lauren's arm. "Don't touch her again and don't even think that she will sleep with you!" Lauren slaps Mr. Jones across the face then opens the office door. She grabs my hand trying to pull me with her. I grab the small box with her belongings and tuck it under my arm. I stop and look at Mr. Jones and with a smirk say "hope you enjoyed your seat on the corner of the desk."

He looks at me confused "what do you mean?" I smirk again, "I had just finished fucking Lauren on the desk before you arrived." Lauren pulls my hand harder making me follow her out and I start laughing at his expression.

We stop at the front desk and Lauren hugs Mrs. Scott and tells her goodbye and that she quit. Mrs. Scott turns to me after releasing Lauren from their hug "you better take care of my girl and treat her right you hear. I've never seen her so happy as what you make her."

Lauren and I both laugh but I look at Mrs. Scott "I will, don't worry." And with that we both walk out of Alamo Vista High School for the very last time and head home.

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