Pink Blusher

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Your P.O.V.

"Okay that's it for today. You should go to your respective assignments." Ms. Myoui fixed her things and dismissed us.

I was pretty late but I was lucky enough that I was only told by Ms. Myoui to be earlier next time.

As soon as I left the room, I tried searching for the dance club's practice room. Starting from today, every afternoon each clubs would be taking their time to prepare for the school fair. And since I would be writing about the performance of the dance club, I would be going there, everyday.

I'm not complaining though, I would be hanging out with the squad more often and I would finally get to see them dance.

I was happily skipping down the halls, excited to see them again. But then I realized, I was lost. Again.

God these halls are so confusing.

"Need help?"

I turned around, expecting a certain someone to bump into me again and help me find my way. But it was someone else.

"Yeah. I'm kind of lost." I admitted and fiddled with my notebook.

She's kind of tall, not as tall as Wonyoung though, and she has a reaalllyyy fit body. She's pretty too. So I'm trying to avoid eye contact and not get flustered in front of her.

"Really? Where were you supposed to go?" she said and laughed a bit.

"I was trying to find the dance club's practice room." I replied.

"Nice! I'm a member of that club and I'm headed straight over there. We can go together." she said and smiled.

She was walking in front of me and I was following her lead. Her hands were placed on the pockets of her jeans and you can definitely see she has some style and some swag by the way she walks. She has this charisma that tells you she's definitely a dancer.

After some turns through corners, we arrived at a door with blasting music that can be heard from the inside.

"Here we are." she said as she turned towards me and smiled sweetly.

"Thanks." I smiled back and was about to enter but she spoke again.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen you as a member here before. Are you gonna try out in this club?" she asked, crossing her arms and leaning on the wall sideways, still smiling.

I was fazed by her actions, but I brushed it off and composed myself.

"Uhm, no. I'm a member of the school newspaper and I'm here to write about your club for the school fair." I tried not to stutter while she stared at me, nodding as I explained myself.

"Guessing from the fact that you got lost in the hallway a while ago, you're new here?" she questioned again.

"Yes. I'm currently Grade 11." I answered.

She nodded again and offered her hand to me.

"I'm Yves. Nice to meet you." she greeted. I took her hand and shook it gently.

"Kim Y/n. A pleasure to meet you too." I said.

After that, she opened the door and I entered after her. She closed the door behind me and I took in the room that I was in.

There were students sitting on the sides, and some were dancing. You can feel the vibration of the music through the large speakers placed at the front, where a wall mirror is placed.

"Welcome to the dance club." Yves stood beside me and we both watched the dancers as they moved to the beat.

"Ms. Yves, you're finally here." a blonde girl who was standing at the very front, looked at us and stopped the music from the phone.

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