Hey. Bae. Like It.

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Your P.O.V.

We all looked at Wonyoung surprised. No scratch that. Only I looked at her with a shocked expression and the rest of them teased her.

I noticed how the pink tint in her cheeks spread quickly while she tries but fails to hide a smile. Then I looked at each one of them, wondering who it was.

Then it dawned up on me.

I looked at Yujin, who's sitting beside me. She was smiling at Wonyoung and it's like you can see the crescent of the moon in her eyes. It's her?

I didn't know what came through me but I felt kind of, sad. Is it because Yujin is the one Wonyoung likes? Ugh, let's not think about it.

"Yieee, Yujiinnn it's youuuu!" I told her teasingly

I did my best and showed them that I was happy and teased Yujin and Wonyoung. But when I looked back at the latter, she was staring straight into my eyes, with an expression I couldn't read. I'm confused.

"Sorry, you probably don't want me telling her you like her?" I asked Wonyoung in a low tone while the others were lost in their own conversations.

She stared at me blankly for a few seconds before answering.

"Yes. I don't." she told me keeping her expression.

To be honest at that moment I was scared for my life since this was the FIRST TIME I tell you, the first time that she got angry at me like this. I don't even know if she's really angry or what. But what I know is I probably shouldn't do the same mistake again and keep my mouth shut.

I was probably too late to notice but everyone was already looking at me and Wonyoung awkwardly. So I cleared my throat and as if on cue, the bell rang indicating classes were about to resume.

"Well, saved by the bell." I said to myself as we all stood up and went to our respective rooms.

For the rest of the day Wonyoung didn't talk to me. On purpose, at least. I would ask her a question about the lesson at times and she would reply, but it was short and straight to the point. Not unlike before, she would look at me and smile at times, even if we weren't talking. Is she really that angry at me for teasing her with Yujin? Ugh, now I feel more terrible.

The walk home was quiet. We weren't really walking side by side like we used to. I was only following her a few steps behind. I didn't know how she felt so I tried to strike a conversation.

"Do you want to stop by the convenience store?" I asked her.

She looked back but didn't look at me for a second but turned away again.

"Okay." she said simply and we continued walking until we reached the store.

While searching for food to buy I was thinking of what Wonyoung liked for her to cheer up. Then I remembered what Yujin told me before.

I went straight to the ice cream station and grabbed two small boxes. After paying through the cashier, I went outside and saw her with her back facing me.

"Wonyoung-ie!" as soon as I called her name she turned around, with her same blank expression.

But as soon as I gave her the ice cream, she instantly smiled and grabbed the box from my hands.

"Oohh! It's also mintchoco flavored!" she said gleefully toward me

"Of course! I know you like it." I told her and she jumped up and down while hugging the box of ice cream. She's such a baby, so cute.

The One That Got Away (Jang Wonyoung ff) Where stories live. Discover now