Run With Me

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Your P.O.V.

I was walking down one of the aisles of the convenience store while looking for my favorite chips. When I finally found it, I tried to grab it but someone bumped their hand to mine while trying to do the same. I looked beside me to find a tall girl with long, straight hair looking back at me. I was trying not to act flustered by how mesmerizing she was and avoided eye contact.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there." I said while removing my hand from the chips and gesturing for her to grab it.

"No it's okay I didn't see you too." She replied and grabbed the chips while thanking me.

After that she went away and from my peripheral view I saw her heading to the counter. I brushed off what happened and grabbed another pack of chips. When I went to the counter to pay I was stopped by a scream and a pair of running footsteps.


When I looked up I saw the girl from a while ago pointing at a man who just ran out while holding a pink wallet. I guess my instincts were quick so before she can run after him I already dropped my chips and dashed out the door to chase after him. When I finally got out of the store and onto the streets I ran faster and heard running footsteps behind me. I was going to look back to see who it was but I didn't need to because first of all, I was busy running. And second, she already got ahead of me. Well, she's tall after all and I just noticed how long her legs were.

I was trying to keep up with them and poured every ounce of my strength into running faster. But while I was focusing on that, I didn't see that there was a pole closing in quickly in front of me so when I realized what was going to happen, I tried my best to avoid it but ended up getting my left foot collide with the pole. I balanced myself but I was so shocked that I suddenly hit the floor with my whole body and a loud thud. Well, that was embarrassing.

"ACK!" I screamed out as soon as my body hit the cold ground.

I forced myself to get up and continue running but my whole being ached. Soon after I heard quick footsteps approaching me and I looked up and saw the tall girl looking down at me while trying to catch her breath.

"Hey.... Uhm... Are you fine?" She asked me while lending out a hand. All I could do was grab it and she helped me get up slowly.

As soon as I got up at my feet, I looked at her embarrassingly and smiled sheepishly. She smiled a little back at me and I saw how her face twitched while trying to hold back her laugh. When I felt her hand still holding mine, I blushed and scratched my nape, although it wasn't necessarily itchy.

"Uhm..." I tried to speak but then reality hit me like a truck. "OH SHT HOW ABOUT YOUR WALLET?!" I asked in panic

She looked at me wide-eyed and looked back at the direction where the man who stole her wallet ran off to but she never let go of my hand. Before I can blink my eye she started running while holding my hand. I blushed again but in the meantime I had no time to think about our hands because she is too damn fast at running that I felt like I was tied to a car and it was hard to keep up. People were staring at us and I really didn't care because I was here, running with a beautiful stranger holding my hand. Yeah she has long legs which makes her very fast and I look like I'm being dragged but I don't really care.

I was busy in my own thoughts that I didn't see we were closing in on the man and before I knew it the girl let go of my hand, threw a high kick and knocked off the man. As soon as he dropped down to the ground she grabbed her wallet and kicked him again.

"That's what you get for stealing my wallet!" she said and turned to walk back to the convenience store. Then she looked at me.

"Hey, thank you so much for helping me run after him." she said while smiling at me. God, she looks so much more beautiful when smiling.

"It's nothing. I actually don't think I was helping since, you know, I held you back there for helping me up." I said while fiddling with my shirt. She laughed, probably remembering what she saw back there. Ugh, that freaking pole.

"I had to go back and help you anyways. But are you really fine now? Doesn't it hurt?" she asked now looking concerned.

"It did hurt. But it hurts more when I start falling for someone I don't know." I said and muttered the last part to myself.

"I'm sorry what? I kind of lost you at 'hurt'." she said confused.

"Oh it's nothing. Do you, uhm, wanna go back to the store now?" I asked and she looked at me shocked, realizing that we had some chips to buy.

"Right. Shall we go then?" she asked while smiling and I nod, returning her smile.

After she paid for her chips, I was about to pay for mine when she stopped me from giving my money to the counter.

"I would like to pay for your food, as a thank you for helping me."she said while wearing that captivating smile once again, damn.

I tried rejecting her offer but she insisted. So I gave in. Once we were done paying, I was relieved that everything was fine now but also sad that I had to say goodbye to someone this pretty and I might never see her again. I left the store but was surprised to see her standing at the front, with her back facing me. When she heard the door closed, she turned back at me and smiled again. And there, I felt my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey, uhm, I was going to leave but it would be a shame to not know the name of the girl who helped me, you know." she said while tucking her hair behind her ear. I giggled at how cute she was acting.

"Kim y/n." I said while holding out my hand.

"Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Jang Wonyoung."

The One That Got Away (Jang Wonyoung ff) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant