Chapter 190 - Emperor of Solo Play

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Emperor of Solo Play


In historic events, there are times when an inexplicable gap in the story occurs.   There was a sense that something had gone on, but no one knows the details.   It is never recorded, and the people, who participated in these events, carry the information to their graves. 

The conversation that was about to start right now happened within this gap.

"I’m sorry, but your conversation partner will suddenly shift from a beauty to a man. As you probably know, our Queen really likes you.  This is why she always took on deals that were harmful to us when dealing with you. This is why I feel obliged to step forward."

Hatch spoke as he looked at the User in front of him.

Hyrkan was wearing a Hahoe Mask, and he wore a yellow robe, which was reminiscent of a flash of thunder.

Hatch felt as if he was staring at a monster.

'I never expected him to get this far.'

No, he really was a monster.  He used his own power to put the Barbarian King to sleep.  He made the impossible into reality.  He succeeded in a task that one would have a hard time believing it happened even if one saw it.

'Either we can ally with him or we can crush him.  If not, the Hahoe Mask…  There are no other choice left for him.'

Hatch calmed his emotions in front of the monster.  He forced himself to smile as he spoke.

"Since we serve the same teacher, let’s de-escalate this situation.  Aren’t you also a student of Ahimbree?  If we consider the order in which we became students, I am your senior.  Of course, I’m not asking you to treat me like a senior..."

He was trying his best to de-escalate the tense atmosphere, yet it had no effect.

Hyrkan didn’t respond.

In truth, this wasn’t the place for idle chatter.  This meeting was put together to give an explanation.

"……I’m sorry.  I’ll immediately give you an explanation.  I’ll tell you about the meaning behind the Queen’s proposal."


Hatch took in deep breaths as he organized his words inside his head.

"Normally, the people making the game wants the people playing the game to like playing their game.  This might be a lengthy explanation…  Please be patient.  We still have a lot of time left."

The atmosphere settled after Hatch spoke his words.  It was akin to an exhale.

"Anyways, the people, who make games for a living, have a hard time enjoying their own game.  You know how it is, right?  If you make something yourself, you only see the flaws.  You also know which part is fun, and you know how to clear everything…   Moreover, if you run into difficulty, you have cheats built-in for convenience.  This naturally led to the game developers to think about wanting to play a game full of mystery.  Even if the content obvious, they wanted to play a game where they didn’t know the content."

For a brief moment, he was lost in his old memories.  However, he quickly stopped his reminiscence.

"This was how Warlord was born.  Of course, it was made using an AI in an attempt to decrease the personnel expenditure.  This was why investment after investment was sunk into it….  The creators of Warlord made it with such thoughts in mind.  This was also why Warlord was able to differentiate itself from other similar games.  It became the special one."

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