Chapter 63 : Deep Canyon Spring (2).

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Deep Canyon Spring (2)

Sura Canyon.

After its discovery by the Red Bulls Guild, many people began to visit the Devil Goat-filled canyon. However, there were still many places unexplored by anyone.

Currently, there was no one that knew about the small spring located deep within the Sura Canyon. Even if there was, it was unlikely he would think too much about it. The fact that the spring was 30 meters deep, or that a cave could be found at that level, or that a secret area existed inside the 100-meter cave was something no one knew.

That is, until now.


Someone had discovered the secret.

After finishing up a long swim, Hyrkan inhaled a deep breath of air. Then, he crunched down on the candy in his mouth, crushing it into pieces. The 50 gold item that made one freely travel underwater disappeared just like that.

As a side note, the Undine Tear Candy tasted like a lemonade and made his breath carry the scent of lemon.

‘I’m finally here.’

After finishing up the candy completely, Hyrkan climbed out of the pool of water back to land.

When he stepped on the ground, he naturally closed his eyes and focused on hearing.

[You have entered a dungeon.]

[You have obtained the title, ‘One Who Discovered the Hidden Secret.’]

[You have obtained the title, ‘Dungeon Explorer.’]

The expected alerts popped out, and Hyrkan nodded with satisfaction.

‘I can never get used to hearing these alerts.’

Although the titles he received weren’t particularly good, but no Warlord players would refuse them.

The worth of a dungeon wasn’t just this either.

Unlike field-type hunting grounds, one could obtain additional experience points or rewards in dungeons. Discovering a secret area within the dungeon, realizing the identity of the dungeon, completely exploring the dungeon, etc. Rewards and EXP could be received based on one’s results, and the EXP received as such bonuses was proportional to one’s level. That is, the amount of EXP one could receive was limited, but there was a definite percentage gain.

It was also the reason why Hyrkan came after hitting level 69.

‘Alright, let’s get this over with.’

Hyrkan didn’t stop to dawdle and prepared himself for exploration immediately. First, he started up the Light app, making his watch light up the dark cave.

‘Let’s see…’

He could see a tunnel, one that seemed like a gigantic ant had made. Hyrkan looked around and nothing special entered his eyes.

‘It’s going to take a while to go through the entire dungeon.’

It didn’t seem like a dungeon he could completely explore in just one sitting. Time was gold, and Hyrkan wished to clear the dungeon as fast as possible. A tunnel style dungeon was an okay dungeon by Hyrkan’s standards.

‘I’ll give it a 70.’

Hyrkan was particularly good at fighting in a narrow space. His Golem could block the path and he could quickly get his Skeleton Warriors behind the enemy by throwing the Skeleton Fragments to its back. Considering the limited space for fights, he would be facing quality over quantity. Hyrkan’s Skeleton Warriors were especially good in this area.

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