Chapter 73 Secret Society (3) .

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Secret Society (3)


- This is to be expected from the Hahoe Mask.

- Are you putting up the Hahoe Mask part too? I'll be waiting.

- Isn't he better at Armor Break than most rankers? I don't know why he is a Necromancer.

- If we look at the Helm Ogre's eyes, can we tell if it is a Corrupt monster?

- I looked at it closely after I read the post above. There is a black marbling in his eyes, so it's 100% Corrupt.

- So the Corrupt Monster was at the Parung Forest. It is a main quest monster. I guess I'll have to go there once.

The video garnered over 100,000 comments. Choi-sulyeon angrily scrolled down with her smartphone to read the comments left below the video. She scrolled up endlessly and, as if she didn't want to see it anymore, turned off the smartphone's screen. Her reflection could be seen after the screen turned black, her face filled with irritation and discontent. However, she still looked beautiful.

‘Which guild is in the possession of the Hahoe Mask?’

Hahoe Mask Hyrkan.

He couldn't be called a super rookie any more. Now the 30 great guild had their eyes out for him. He was a topic of conversation, and he was talked about as much as any of the rankers. Moreover, his skills were already acknowledged by the rankers. Even with the same level, class, and items, no one could easily guarantee that they will win against the Hahoe Mask in a 1on1 matchup.

On top of that, he had chosen the class of Necromancer, and it meant he had intimate understanding of this game, which allowed him to become as strong as he was now. All the guilds coveted him. The 30 great guilds and the influential guilds were focusing on growing Necromancers now. However, the final product paled in comparison to Hyrkan.

Currently, the 30 great guild thought Hyrkan was attached to a guild. They determined there must be a guild sponsoring him. If that wasn't the case, they couldn't come up with an explanation regarding the Hahoe Mask's play. It was impossible to accept his success if that wasn't the case.

That was the reason why Choi-sulyeon was angry.

She was irritated he wasn't within her grasp. Moreover, it made her much more irritated when that person was within another person's grasp.

‘How the hell are they in front of us?’

The guild with the Hahoe Mask in their grasps was farther along in the Main Scenario Quest than the Stormhunter guild. She wasn't annoyed by it. She was seriously worried about this problem.

Choi-sulyeon gritted her teeth.

She wanted to look for a decisive method where they would be able flip the situation. However, she felt frustrated since she couldn't come up with any ideas.

At that moment, her smartphone suddenly rang. She saw a familiar number on the screen.

‘A call?’

Usually, he contacted her through the chatting app. There must really be an urgent business if he was calling her directly.

Choi-sulyeon answered her phone.

“What is it?”

- It's a breaking news.

“Do you really need to deliver this news by calling me?”

Choi-sulyeon's voice was sharp. The officer of the Stormhunters who had contacted her realized Choi-sulyeoun was in a fould mood. He immediately told her the news without any preamble.

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