Chapter 116 - The Foe that Gives Generously (3)

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The Foe that Gives Generously (3)

“How much is it in total?”

“It is around 2 thousand gold…….”

“Don't give me such a vague figure. Give me the exact figure.”

“It is 2,355 gold.”

“It is about 100 golds more than what I expected.  Are you sure you calculated it right?”

“You insisted on us paying for Apollo-nim too...”

Chiroro was using all his strength to hold back the swear words from coming out of his mouth as he listened to the conversation.  As a result, his face was trembling.  The Big Smiles guild members were turning their gazes or eyes away as they tried to avoid meeting Chiroro's eyes.


If he berated his guild members, it wouldn't solve anything.  Chiroro continued to rage inside.

‘I’m ruined.’

He didn't know what the Watchman style was, but in the end, Chiroro had to compensate Hyrkan. Everyone had to empty the golds they possessed, and in the end, 2,355 gold was snatched away from them.  It was way cheaper than losing their wristwatches, but still it was a pretty large sum of money.

In truth, they never carried around that much gold. Unfortunately, one of the guild members doing a party hunt had two gold coins worth 1,000 gold each. He had withdrawn the gold to trade for an Item later.

‘We gave him the gold, yet he is being nasty...’

There was difference between asking them to send the money later, and shaking down as much money from them on the spot.  In the end, the amount of money lost was the same, but the latter method seemed much dirtier. It was on a different level.

‘Maybe we should have just fought him?’

Chiroro felt regret as if he hadn't made the right decision.  The situation had come upon him too suddenly.

Of course, the regret didn't last too long.

“What should we do?  Should we track Pitbull again...”

“Never mind.  We won't be able to catch up to him even if we start pursuing him now.”

The fact that they had lost Pitbull made him much more vexed.  When the Pitbull ran away, all their efforts up until now had been all for naught. They had gone through all the hardship, yet they had lost all their money.

‘It might have been better if we had let Whistling kill Apollo.’

If Apollo had suffered a Game Over by Whistling, their guild would have been justified in their retaliation.  Instead, Apollo had been killed by the Hahoe Mask. They couldn't justify starting a war with the Fighters guild any more.

Of course, the Fighters guild could try to avenge Pitbull, but the Fighters guild wasn't dumb.  Their overall fighting power was weaker than the Big Smiles.  Anyways, they hadn't been able to kill the Pitbull, so there was no reason why the Fighters guild would start a fight with them.

The status of the Game Over was important. If the Pitbull had suffered a Game Over, the Fighters guild would have no choice.  They would have to retaliate.  If they didn't, the faith of the normal Users in the guild would have been shaken.  If a guild did nothing when a guild member was killed, why would the guild members put their trust and loyalty into the guild?

Moreover, Whistling held a unique position within the Fighters guild.  He was a normal guild member, but he was worth more than an officer.  If they didn't get revenge for a User of that stature, normal guild members would have to stay silent even if they got killed by the members of the 30 great guilds.

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