Chapter 118 - Prelude to the Great Battle (2)

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Prelude to the Great Battle (2)


The cheap coffee was letting out a burnt smell.  Ahn-jaehyun zealously put grape flavored candies into his cheap coffee, and he spoke towards the Tablet PC propped up on its stand.

“Please don't speak such nonsense. Even if there is an insufficient supply of Black Cobalt King's Sword, it is not worth as much as you are claiming.”

The voice recognition app picked up Ahn-jaehyun's voice, and his words were put up as text in the chatting window.  After a slight delay, the Tablet PC replied in a clear and beautiful voice.

- Since we are talking about making a deal with gold, the price has to be adjusted.


Ahn-jaehyun was speaking to himself as he drank his coffee, and he immediately realized his mistake.


His words were immediately picked up by the app, and it transcribed his word into the chatting window.  For a moment, he forgot he was chatting through a voice recognition software, and he forgot to be careful with his words.

‘Ah. Whatever. I won't go through with it anyways.’

Ahn-jaehyun decided to end the negotiation instead of giving an apology.

‘This negotiation is pointless.  This bastard wants 200,000 gold for the Black Cobalt King's Sword.’

Black Cobalt King's Sword.

It was a level 160 Unique Rank Item.  It was considered to be in the upper tier in terms of Options compared to Items of similar Rank.  It was being traded at a very high price, because it had an Option that was very advantageous in a Boss Monster hunt.  Moreover, the supply wasn't abundant.

The seller was asking for 200,000 gold for the Item. Hyrkan could guarantee that this Item wasn't worth 200,000 gold.

Recently, a Black Cobalt King's Sword was sold in public through auction, and it had been sold for 150,000 gold.  However, this had been an anomalous transaction.  No, it wasn't anomalous.  It had been a ploy to raise the market price for the sword.

This happened from time to time.  There were people, who manipulated the market for an Item in short supply as they tried to increase their  profit.

‘Is this bastard perhaps the one that wanted to trade the Circlet of Purification with the sword?’

There were also those who increased the market price, so they could trade it for a different Item.

This practice was also known as Bubble Laundry.

The Items on Warlord was sold for very high prices, so these kinds of practices happened quite frequently.  Warlord was full of swindlers.

Of course, from that perspective, Ahn-jaehyun was the biggest swindler of them all.  He was trying to manipulate the price of the Circlet of Purification. For example, if it was a story of someone else doing it, it sounds like an adulterous story. If one is part of that story, it sounds like a love story that can't be heard without crying.

‘You son of a bitch.  If I see you in the game, you'll suffer the Watchman style.’

Ahn-jaehyun was about to grind his teeth when it happened.

- You have offended me.  Let's cancel this negotiation.

In the end, the other person broke off the deal.  Ahn-jaehyun immediately yelled out a warning.

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