Chapter 76 Battlefield (3).

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Battlefield (3)


When one went across the castle walls, the first thing one saw was the bones of unknown remains. One could see some human bones, but it was mostly littered with large monster bones. It was basically a wasteland with all kinds of bones decorating the land.

It was basically a field of bones. Across the plains, there was a forest with large trees. The horizon was visible above the large forest, and the forest was more terrifying than the field of bones. The forest shook intermittently, and at times...


A roar rang out.

The forest itself was a monster's nest. Those who invaded the body of the forest could feel it with their five senses.

“So this is what a Battlefield is like.”

“It looks harder than I thought it would be.”

This was the first time the Tinkerbell Party was running the Battlefield. The stage that opened up beyond the castle was much more than they expected.

Of course, they had a hard time immediately adjusting to the stage. When the castle door opened, they were the last one to reach the forest. Even after reaching the forest, they were filled with nervousness. The nervousness filling them ate away at their composure.

They had started to walk into the forest when, all of a sudden, they were immediately thrown into battle.

“Ah! You guys?”

The people they had faced only a couple dozen minutes ago showed up as enemies.


“What do you mean what? This is a hazing ritual for you rookies.”

It wasn't just one party. Five parties appeared, surrounding the Tinkerbell Party. They didn't even hold a conversation. There wasn't time to exchange curses and excuses. The battle ended before it started.


‘Look at what these bastards are doing.’

Hyrkan had his hood on, and he was doing his best to crouch on top of the tree branch. He saw the sight of the Tinkerbell Party perishing from start to finish.

‘When they became surprised when I stormed out of the door, I knew something was amiss... The 5 parties are working together?’

It was a common sight to see a party like the Tinkerbell party suffer in the Battlefield. Normally, the parties fought with each other, but the bloodshed were clustered in the beginning or the latter half of the Battlefield. It was very important to eliminate the competition either before the main monster hunt or before one takes on the Event Monster. The middle part is mostly focused on hunting monsters, so there was an implicit understanding to not attack each other. In the end, one of the reasons why users come to the Battlefield was the overabundance monsters. They were here to level up at a much faster rate.

This time it was clear why the Tinkerbell Party was targeted. At a glance, one could tell they were new to the Battlefield. The experienced users didn't pause to see the Battlefield stage in surprise. They immediately moved into the Battlefield, and they looked for a place to hide in the surrounding. Basically, anyone who stayed in the entrance was asking to be targeted in the beginning. The Tinkerbell Party didn't just paint a target on themselves. They were basically begging others to kill them!

However, Hyrkan never expected 5 parties with over 30 members to rush forward.

‘Five…… If my memory is correct, the 5 parties have a total member of 20, 28... Is it 38 people?’

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