Chapter 67 : Skill 'Armament' (3).

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Skill ‘Armament’ (3)


– Skill Level : Rank F

– Skill Instruction : You can give an item in your possession to the Skeleton Magician as well as the Skeleton Warrior. As proficiency increases, an increased variety of items could be given to the mage under the Skeleton Warrior.

-Other : The weapon given to the mage as well as the Skeleton Warrior will become one with the weapon. The mage as well as the Skeleton Warrior has to be summoned to withdraw the weapon’s right.

The hologram window displayed the Armament Skill’s description, and Hyrkan removed his Hahoe mask. Then he carefully looked over the description of the skill, and he watched the video regarding the use of the skill.

Afterwards, Hyrkan swallowed his exclamation.

‘An incredible one showed up.’

Armament Skill.

It’ll allowed the Skeleton Mage as well as the Skeleton Warrior to become incredibly strong. In one fell swoop, the skill would make the Mage into a powerful being.

‘It really is an incredible one…….’

At the same time, it was a skill that required a steep price.

‘A skill that’ll put an incredible dent into my account books has showed up.’

At that moment, Hyrkan wasn’t filled purely of happiness.  He started earnestly calculating the figures.

‘So how much do I have to spend?’

Currently, level 70 Rare rank weapons with decent options were traded between the price of 500 to 1000 gold. Of course, Rare rank items like the Orc Hero’s Sword, which was closer to the Unique rank, was traded at a much more expensive price.

‘First, the number of Skeletons I could summon…….’

This was Hyrkan’s current Rank of skills related to Skeleton Summoning.

[Skeleton Fragment Rank B], [Skeleton Study Rank D], [Skeleton Magician Rank D].

There were 5 Skeleton Warriors able to be summoned through the Skeleton Fragment Rank B.  Skeleton Study Rank D’s effect allowed him to summon an additional 3 Skeletons.  The effect of Skeleton Magician Rank D allowed him to summon two more. The Corrupt Pursuer’s Necklace allowed for an additional summon with its effect.  If he only summoned the Skeleton Warriors, he could summon 11 of them at most.

What if he added these two factors?


Hyrkan’s mouth let out a sigh as his complicated emotions were mixed in with it.

This skill wouldn’t arm the entire body yet.  It’ll just allow it to take up a decent weapon. Hyrkan needed much more money than the security deposit for his one room. Moreover, as the Armament Skill proficiency increases, he would need more money. When he thought about the breastplate, greave, shoulder, boots, and shield….

Of course, it was possible to resell the weapons he purchased later on.  However, he wouldn’t be able to get the full price for what he paid for.  It would impact on how much profit he would bring in.  However, it wouldn’t affect Hyrkan’s way of life too much.

The important thing was deciding whether he wanted to spend a lot of time selling and purchasing items.  If not, he had to secure enough funds where he’ll be able to purchase the items in bulk.

Hyrkan stopped thinking at this point.  If he thought any more, it felt as if a hole would form in his stomach.

‘……for the foreseeable future, it’ll be protein powders, cheap coffees, and grape-flavored candies.’

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