Chapter 44 : Searching for Migi (3).

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­ Searching for Migi (3)


– Level: 40

– Class: Magician

– Title: 14

– Stats: Strength (277) / Stamina (83) / Intelligence (183) / Magic Power (240)

‘I finally got my magic power past 240 points.’

Watching his upgraded stats, Hyrkan clenched his fists with a happy face. At the same time, the gold colored fur gloves on his hand rolled into a ball.

‘Level 40 Magic Power Switching set for 3,200 gold.’

When Hyrkan turned his head from the stat window, the hair on the lion head he was wearing fluttered in the air, and when he turned his body, the fake tail on his lion body followed.

Lion suit.

This Halloween party costume was the Magic Power Switching set Hyrkan purchased.

3,200 gold!

It was rather cheap for a level 40 item set with a decent magic power boosting stat. What hyrkan was wearing was worth more than 4,000 gold.

Of course, there was a reason that it was so cheap. In fact, Hyrkan’s body was fully displaying the reason.

‘It’s cheap, but…’

Hyrkan slowly looked down at his feet. Watching the large hobbit-like lion fur boots, Hyrkan made an awry expression.

‘For some reason, I don’t think it was cheap.’

There was a fad.

About 8 months ago, when level 40 players were best of the best, a video made by Ranker class magicians went viral. In it, the level 40+ magicians were wearing animal suits, which resulted in animal suits to trend for a short while. It was the result of people trying all sorts of concepts to get attention.

However, as always, no trends lasted forever.

The animal suits created during this time were then shunned by people afterwards. As a result, they ended up selling for much cheaper than other armor with the same stats. After going through owner after owner, the lion suit had now ended up in Hyrkan’s hands.

‘There are too many people trying weird concepts in Warlord. This was worth over 10,000,000 won back then. What a shame.’

In truth, it was so cheap because the prices had gone down since then. When this suit was first made, the price of a level 40 Magic Power Switching set was enormous. After all, it was used by those who didn’t care about spending large sum of money on gaming.


In any case, it was bad.

No matter how good its options were, wearing such clothing in hunting grounds would bring nothing but mockery.

However, this wasn’t the reason Hyrkan was so bitter. What’s worse was that this animal suit was much better than the clothes he had been wearing before. Thanks to this, Hyrkan was once again reminded of how awful and disgusting his old clothes were.

‘When I get my level 50 items, I’m going to have to get better looking clothes even if I lose out on some stats.’

Then, with his newly bought clothes, Hyrkan made a small vow to himself and set foot towards Churu Castle.


Churu Castle.

Located far away from Bangtz Castle, this castle was smaller than the Figurs Castle or Bangtz Castle that Hyrkan had visited before. If compared, its size was probably a third of either of the castles.

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