Chapter 112 - Black Tree (2)

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Black Tree (2)



His story started right after he parted ways with Hyrkan.

- I did what I said I would do.  I stayed behind the Baheim tribe's town, and I did every Quest available to me.

The Baheim tribe had a significant number of Elven NPCs, so Whistling had been very busy doing the Quests.

At first, Whistling had done much lower level Quests compared to his current level.  It didn't move the needle in increasing his level or profit. However, he reached a point where he was receiving Quests that was great help to his Level Up.

At the same time, he was able to gain numerous Titles. This was the reward for digging a deep well.  He had received a good amount of rewards.

- I was somehow able to earn the Title 'Baheim Tribe's Tree'.  When I earned the Title, the other Elven tribes also asked for my help.

Whistling had obtained one of the ultimate Titles that increases All Stats by 3%.. 

When he received the Baheim Tribe's Tree Title, Whistling started being treated like a very competent problem solver.  He provided solutions to the Elven Tribe's problems. This resulted in other Elven Tribes asking Whistling for help.  This was the fantasy adventure he had pined for, so he didn't turn down any requests sent his way.

- That is when I received a request from the Tehkee Tribe. I earned the Curse of the Black Tree Quest. 

Currently, the Tehkee Tribe had come to Whistling, they wanted him to take care of the Black Tree's Curse.  However, he was unable to carry it out.

The Quest itself wasn't some insanely hard puzzle.  It didn't require endless grind either.

- I've already found out what the Black Tree's Curse is, and I've also found out the location of the Black Tree.  It hadn't been too hard to find it.

On the other hand, the Quest had come to a full stop at carrying out the last part of the Quest.

- The problem is I can't catch the Black Tree by myself.  I tried it just in case, but I couldn't come up with an answer.

If he wanted to  put a period to the Quest, he needed help.  Moreover, he needed someone who could carry out a Boss Monster Raid.

- Currently, I'm at Puree Forest where the Tehkee Tribe is located at.

When he heard those words, Hyrkan was able to accurately assess the situation in his mind.

“The Puree Forest is in the Big Smile guild's territory.  So that's why you contacted me.”

The Puree Forest was a level 130 hunting ground, and it had been discovered first by the Big Smiles guild.  Moreover, the Big Smiles guild built a village at the entrance of the Puree Forest.  Naturally, everyone came to accept that the Puree Forest was under the territory of the Big Smiles guild.

Of course, it was Big Smiles’ territory, but it wasn't as if they acted like tyrants.  The Puree Forest wasn't worth that much to act that way there. Whistling had been soloing inside the Puree Forest, but no one from the Big Smiles bothered him.

Soloing was ok, but it would be a problem if a different guild operated within the forest.

In addition, the only place Whistling could ask for immediate help was the Fighters guild.  However, they were an Underfoot guild, and they were rumored to be gunning for Big Smile's position in the 30 great guilds. Big Smiles wouldn't welcome it if the Fighters Guild appeared in their territory.  On the other hand, the Fighters guild had no reason why they should take that the risk to help Whistling.  Whistling was a regular guild member only in name.  Moreover, his fame had diminished recently, so they didn't show much interest or love towards Whistling.

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