Chapter 143 - The Frozen Land (2)

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The Frozen Land (2)


The blizzard was sweeping across the frozen land, and the blizzard wasn't just satisfied with blinding the intruders.

[A powerful coldness has swept over you. All Stats will be decreased by 10%.]

[After 19 minutes, you will get frost bites.]

[The powerful cold has swept over your armor, and the coldness will decrease its durability.]

[The powerful coldness has swept over you, and your senses have been dulled.]

This had never been experience anywhere on Warlord before.  The intense cold was more terrifying than imagined.  In this terrifying cold, two Users were facing each other.  Sohank and Sinclair ignored the terrifying cold.  They held swords that was almost impossible to determine the market prices.  These expensive swords were pointed at each other.

This was their second meeting.

Of course, their first meeting hadn't been under such a dire situation.  It had been a long time, since the two had met...  They met during the time when the combined level of both Users were barely over level 100.  It wasn't a long meeting.  They just knew about each other's reputation.  Since they were just curious about each other's reputation, they looked each other's face, and they parted after shaking hands.  That was it.

There hadn't been any subsequent meetings.  Most of the 30 great guilds asked for help from the Hands guild, but the Hydra guild was firm in not negotiating with them.  Hydra guild put the most importance on gaining and protecting secrets.  Of course, this was the stance they would take.

Even after such a long gap between their meetings, they didn't share any small talks.  They were in a situation where they had to kill each other.  They had no doubts in their hearts.


They always pierced through whatever that is in their way in the front lines.  They was no reason why they should pay attention to their surrounding.

They only had one task to do here.

‘I'll kill him.’

‘I'll end this.’

They had to find a way to kill the other User.  That was it.


There was why this frozen land was so harsh.  There was no place to hide from the blizzard.  If one stayed still, one would receive a penalty.  Moreover, when one reached the point of getting frostbites, one's HP started to decrease.  If one wanted a true rest in this frozen land, one had to make a shelter with one's hands.

The method was unexpectedly easy.


One had to gather a lot of snow to make a mound, and one had to dig in like a rabbit.  The igloo was surprisingly snug.

Natal was within this snug space, and the felt disgusted at sharing the same space with the User next to him.

‘The new officer of the Big Smiles, Apollo....’

Apollo was standing next to Natal.

‘I remember seeing his portrait, but I never thought he had such a skill.’

To state the obvious, Natal wasn't in the same Igloo as the other man, because he liked the other User.

It had been about two week since the Hydra guild had crossed to the other side of the Terube castle. The Big Smiles guild was close on the Hydra guild's tail.  The two groups were within a distance that could be travelled within 24 hours.  It took 24 hours for the field to reset.  Basically, the Big Smiles guild was able to see the track left atop the snowfield.  The chase had basically ended there.

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