Chapter 187 - Barbarian King (4)

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Barbarian King (4)


"Good job."

Hyrkan felt drained as he had to meet and greet with several thousand Users for the past couple hours.  Whistling spoke to him.  Hyrkan looked at Whistling as he shook his head from side to side.  Then he let out his complaint in a low voice.

"Why do Elves matter so much……"

Of course, Hyrkan knew why Whistling had moved against the Barbarian King.  Whistling didn’t want the Elven tribes to become exterminated by the Barbarian King.  In turn, Whistling was the reason why Hyrkan had moved.  Basically, the Elven tribes had caused a shift inside Warlord.  This was the behind the scene story for this war.

"I’m sorry."

Whistling let out a bitter laugh, and he gave his apology.

"I’m not doing this for nothing."

"I’ll take you out for a big night out later."

At Whistling’s answer, he no longer spoke.  Instead, Hyrkan turned his head.

Bizma Plain.

The Skeletons, Golems, and Bone Dragon decorating the place was no longer present.  However, the Users hadn’t left.  They were guarding their spot.  At times, the bored Users hunted the monsters nearby, and this was another diversion they could watch. 

Their continued presence was an evidence of longing they were feeling.  They had just experienced something uniquely fun inside the game of Warlord, and this was proof that the Users wanted to enjoy it for a little bit longer.

This also meant the Users had fully enjoyed what Hyrkan had to offer. 

However, at this time tomorrow, this place would become a desperate battlefield.

'This is a game.'

The world had changed in just a single day, and it should have been a frightening sight.  However, this wasn’t reality.  Since this was happening within a game, this wasn’t out of the ordinary.

'Since it’s a game……'

Hyrkan chewed over this truth.

It was a game. 

He chewed over the new feeling he was starting to dimly feel.  It was something he had never felt before.  Hyrkan fell into his thoughts as he tried to identify this vague feeling.

"First, 6322 people have signed up to participate in the Raid."

Whistling’s words pulled Hyrkan back into reality.

The goal for the Hahoe Mask theme park was to gather allied forces, who will join him in this Raid.  However, Hyrkan hadn’t said cheese for free.  He couldn’t force these Users to participate, but he obtained signatures from the Users, who were going to participate in the Barbarian King Raid.

The number was 6,322.

"The ratio isn’t too bad.  The important fact is that 2,551 Tankers signed up.  It is a pretty high number."

The Tanker was the most important position in pulling off this plan, and the number of Tankers, who signed up, was higher than expected.

"They are all over level 200, and they finished their 2nd Advancement.  This means it is a force big enough to rival three or four 30 great guilds.  Moreover, these are Users, who stayed behind in the Black Continent even with this event going on.  Their skills are above average."

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