Chapter 15 : A Cave in Mt. Bima (2).

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It was no longer an odd job to make money with paid videos. This was especially the case with gamers, who made money through gaming. In the past, they made most of their money by selling in-game items, but now paid videos of game play made much more money. There were countless number of game VJs who earned hundreds of millions of won a year.

The same went for Warlord. Even without live broadcast channels, Warlord-related videos ranked among the top of paid videos. Even Hollywood was threatened by Warlord!

It went without saying that everyone uploaded videos to make whatever amount they could. Even cows or dogs did. As a result, there were over ten million Warlord-related videos coming out every day. It wasn’t easy to stand out in this sea of videos. The only way was to spend big money to actively advertise the videos or to have a concept that stood out among the crowd.

This was how the Hahoe Mask Guild was formed.

An Jaehyun and Kim Dongsoo. They decided to form a guild the moment they joined hands, and they contemplated on what concept to use to make their guild known. It wasn’t easy. They even considered dirty concepts like wearing underwear only. What’s funny was that there were people who have done this already. There was even a guild where the members all danced in their underwear after a successful raid. Although it wasn’t a Top 30 Guild, it was fairly popular.

In any case, An Jaehyun was the one to suggest something.

“Why don’t we wear hahoe masks?”

Hahoe mask.

“It’s a very Korean-esque, don’t you think?”

It wasn’t a bad idea. Thankfully, no other guild had used this concept before.

There was another reason.

“Also, we’re all comrades in arms. Let’s not do something like distinguishing our ranks through uniforms.”

Almost all famous guilds had a symbol, and they matched their uniforms around that symbol. The bigger the guild was, the more people it had. As such, they distinguished their ranks using uniforms – 1st corp, 2nd corp, 3rd corp, etc.

But An Jaehyun suggested that every guild members wear the same mask. His dream back then was for everyone to eat and live well. His suggestion was approved, and the Hahoe Mask Guild was born. The concept of wearing hahoe masks in battles worked quite well, and they garnered attention at a quick pace.

Because of this, Hyrkan couldn’t throw away the hahoe mask. It was his pride and joy, almost like a son. Plus, he couldn’t throw away a concept he knew would work. In fact, he had to do it before others did.

But he had forgotten about it.

With the blue werewolf corpse in front of him, Hyrkan shook his head while watching the video he just took through the hologram monitor.

‘The video came out well, but…’

The battle video was amazing. His battle style was something never before seen in Warlord. It could go viral if word got around, and Hyrkan’s name was naturally spread.

On the other hand, if he really wanted to make hahoe mask his concept, he couldn’t release a video with his real face.

It wasn’t that he feared his face becoming recognized. At this time, no one should know who he was anyways. His war against the Stormhunter Guild hadn’t yet happened.

‘Concepts only work when you take it and keep it.’

What was important was the concept.

Wearing a hahoe mask after showing his face already? The impact lessened greatly. Especially if the concept revolved around wearing masks, it was important always to have it on to add to the mysterious effect.

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