Chapter 170 - King's Tomb (3)

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Kings Tomb (3)


[Ancient King's Artifact]

- Quest Rank : Epic

- Quest Level Range : 230

- Quest Content : Go to the Blacksmith Olf.  Please ask him about the Ancient King's Artifact.

- Quest Reward : Conch made out of a Dragon's Horn.

[Ancient King's Test]

- Quest Level Range : Unique

- Quest Level Range : 220

- Quest Content : You've entered the King's Tomb.  The King will test if you are worthy.  If you pass the test, the king will overlook your transgression.  If not, you will receive an appropriate punishment.

- Quest Reward : King's Treasure.

Hyrkan's expression wasn't great as he looked over the two new Quests.

‘An Ancient King's Test...’

This was the Ancient King's Test.

They dressed it up with pretty words like transgression and punishment, but the main point of these Quests were simple.

We prepared a really hard monster to kill, so we want you suffer more!

‘Of course.’

At that moment, Hyrkan realized he would be meeting the proctor of the King's test soon, and he could guess at the identity of this being.

As expected, he saw the reality of his situation as he walked through the dark tunnel to reach the light. 

In front of the King's Tomb, there were two large statues on the either side of the entrance.  The statues were knights.  They were stone knights equipped with stone swords and stone armor!

‘Yes, it is as I thought.’

They were placed at the entrance to the King's Tomb.  These statues were guarding the entrance, and they would awaken to test the intruders within the King's Tomb.

[The Guardian Knights of the King's Tomb is glaring down at you.]

The examiners of the test located the intruder.

Koo koo koo!

The two statues let out a heavy sound as they lowered their heads.  They stared at Hyrkan, who stood behind the threshold of the entrance.

Their faces were carved from stone, so they didn't have functioning eyes.  They couldn't make expressions, yet Hyrkan felt the glare coming from the statues.  It was as if they wanted squash him like a bug.

However, they didn't immediately attack Hyrkan.  They just looked at Hyrkan.

Hyrkan was still within the King's Tomb.

They couldn't point or swing their swords towards the King's Tomb.

Hyrkan had already realized this fact, so he let out a bitter laugh.

Maybe, this was a mercy.  Currently, the Guardian Knights were showing their own form of mercy towards Hyrkan.

Hyrkan didn't feel good about receiving such leniency from them.  Monsters were looking down on him, so there was no reason why he would feel good about it.

‘All right.’

At that moment, Hyrkan came to a decision.

‘Let's try this.’

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