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I was the first one to wake up and once my eyes opened and landed on my breathtaking wife, wrapped in my arms, joyful smile formed on my face. I am the luckiest man in the whole world. 

Cami nuzzled into me, spreading warm feeling through my heart. I gladly kept her closer, hiding my face in her velvety, wavy, light blonde, long hair while delicately rubbing the back of her pretty head, breathing in delightful smell of her lustrous locks - vanilla and hazelnut.  

I smiled in amusement when she snuck deeper under covers and nuzzled into me, making it very clear that she is feeling cozy and warm. It is unspeakably cute and winsome habit of hers. She slept some more and I happily remained still in my place, enjoying our bubble very much. 

After some time sweet kiss was placed on my neck and dainty arms hugged me tighter. 

"Good morning, Leo."- spoke adorably and lovingly Camila, locking her enchanting, soft green eyes on mine. 

"Good morning, principessa."- I replied merrily and kissed her forehead, creating cute, dazzling smile on her full, juicy lips. 

"We have to get going, don't we?"- she wondered, snuggling into me more, not wanting to leave the position and the feeling is mutual. 

"Sì."- I confirmed, hugging her stunning self securely. 

"No."- pouted cutely Cami and clung to me tightly, making me chuckle. 

"Wasn't someone excited about cake when we were discussing the brunch party?"- I reminded her and wholeheartedly laughed at the most precious change of mood. 

Yesterday she was beaming with excitement when she learnt that there will be whole dessert table with great variety of pasties and sweets. Now she is just as eager and it is so damn adorable. 

Camila hopped out of bed and I followed her. We did our routine and headed to get ready. Things that I ordered yesterday were delivered once we woke up, just like I requested. I got dressed in dark blue jeans, white shirt and white shoes; my hair was styled and cologne was sprayed on my neck and right wrists. All my jewellery is on me since I didn't take it off. 

"Anything that you'd like for breakfast, bambina?"- I wondered fixing my shirt as she is sitting at the vanity, doing her makeup. 

"Oatmeal with lots of strawberries and blueberries, per favore."- answered Camila with breathtaking smile and I nodded.

"Take your time, amore mio."- I spoke with smile of my own and kissed her temple before going to the lounge. 

"Buongiorno, Signor Russo. Come posso aiutarla?"- chirped happily the receptionist. (Good morning, Mr Russo. How can I help you?) 

"Buongiorno. Vorrei ordinare la colazione."- I spoke, leaning on the table behind me. (Good morning. I'd like to order breakfast.) 

"Sicuro. Cosa vorresti?"- asked the receptionist. (Sure. What would you like?) 

"Farina d'avena con un sacco di fragole e mirtilli. Farina d'avena con banana e miele. Aggiungere anche l'arancia fresca."- I ordered our breakfast. (Oatmeal with lots of strawberries and blueberries. Oatmeal with banana and honey. Add orange fresh as well.) 

"Assolutamente. L'ordine arriverà tra circa 20 minuti."- stated the receptionist. (Absolutely. The order will arrive in about 20 minutes.)

I drank glass of water on the balcony and heard clicking of heels approaching me. In no time pair of petite arms wrapped around my waist from behind, making me smile from contentedness. After putting glass on the table, I turned around and shamelessly checked my sexy wife out, memorising every inch of her angelic self. 

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