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"Wake up, baby."- whispered to him softly as I laid tender kisses, soft on his handsome face. 

I smiled in amusement when I understood that he is actually wide awake and pretends to be asleep, so I will go on with my movements. I stopped for a moment and giggled when I got confirmation of my thought: he instantly frowned and gently pulled me on top of him.

"Don't stop, bambina."- spoke Leonardo as gorgeous, hazel eyes opened.

I smiled contently and continued delicately peppering his face with affectionate kisses while twirling his silky hair around my fingers. Leo hummed with sweet, leisure smile on his plump lips as his eyes closed and held me securely against himself. 

After a while Leonardo looked at me and kissed me fondly, rolling us on our sides. I hugged him and he let me hide my face in his finely honed chest. 

"When will we set up the tree?"- I asked and got melodic, velvety chuckle in reply. 

"As soon as you want, bambina."- answered Leo and I grinned in pure excitement before dashing out of bed. 


I wholeheartedly laughed at Camila's adorableness and pure joy. I followed her to the bathroom and did my routine, as well as shaved. We showered together while stealing sweet kisses before getting dressed. 

I put on white sweatpants and matching t-shirt and chuckled when Cami climbed on my back. I switched her position, getting her to face me with her slim legs wrapped around my waist. My hands rested under her toned thighs. 

My eyes took in her sexy, yet cute appearance. 

White, fluffy set consists of pants, cardigan and top, which displayed her delectable chest marvellously. Well-defined, appealing collarbones are clearly visible. No makeup, much to my luck; her natural beauty that I adore is exposed. Light blonde, velvety, shiny hair is in flawless waves, which I love greatly. Her spicy, warm, sweet, seductive and attractive fragrance wraps me in its embrace and I worship that feeling. All jewellery is on her, coruscating brightly.

 All jewellery is on her, coruscating brightly

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"You are breathtaking, principessa."- I said profoundly and kissed her adorable, slightly turned-up, button nose. 

"You are beyond handsome."- spoke with charming blush Camila and kissed my cheek. 

She wanted piggy-back ride downstairs and I happily made her wish come true. 

"Oh my God, Aaron, you already pulled everything out!"- said in ecstasy Cami and hopped off my back, dashing to the living room, where so far undecorated, massive tree is already standing. 

I chuckled at her happiness and the cutest reaction. She patted our little devils and kissed their heads and I grinned in joy at the scene. 

We ate breakfast and Camila rushed to the tree. We decorated it together with euphoric smiles on our faces. Of course, the house was ornamented too. Tons of pictures were taken, laughter and festive music are flooding in the house. My phone rang and I kissed Cami's cheek before going to pick it up. 

"Hola, Juan. ¿Cómo estás?"- I spoke happily, watching my wife with grin on my face. (Hi, Juan. How are you?)

"Hola, Leonardo. Estoy muy bien, gracias. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está mi pequeña flor?"- replied my father-in-law and adorable, melodic, sweet giggle escaped from Camila, who is playing with our dogs in the living room. (Hi, Leonardo. I am very well, thanks. How are you? How is my little flower?)

"Estamos muy bien, gracias."- I answered and chuckled as I watched the love of my life. (We are very well, thank you.)

"¿Esa es Camila?"- he laughed as her cute giggles sounded. (Is that Camila?)

"Lo es."- I confirmed with cheerful grin and chuckled at how easily Rocco hoovered over Cami's petite frame and began sniffing her from head to toe, making her giggle. (It is.)

We switched to FaceTime after he said that he sent me what I asked for. 

"Papa!"- spoke happily Camila as she jumped in my arms and kissed my cheek. 

"Hola, mi pequeña flor. ¿Cómo estás?"- laughed Juan and she smiled brightly. (Hi, my little flower. How are you?)

"Estoy muy muy muy bien. ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo están los hermanos?"- replied sweetly Cami and I kissed her temple with wide smile. (I am very very very well. How are you? How are brothers doing?)

"Todos somos geniales. ¿Qué estás haciendo, mi pequeña flor? Te ves muy feliz."- answered Juan with grin of his own. (We all are great. What are you doing, my little flower? You look extra happy.)

"¡Estamos decorando el árbol de Navidad!"- replied excitedly Cami. (We are decorating Christmas Tree!)

We talked about Christmas plans; the brothers joined our chat shortly. All of us had bright, sincere, merry grins on our faces. When we finished the call, I hugged Camila securely and peppered her stunning face with kisses. 

"I love you so so so so so so much."- she spoke softly and kissed my cheeks, a few times each.

"I love you very very very very very much, baby."- I stated and kissed her beautiful nose. 


I don't think I have ever had this much fun while decorating the house and tree. Usually, it would either be already ornamented by luxurious designer or I wouldn't be let do all I wanted, since hermanos and papa were constantly afraid that I would hurt myself if I got to very heigh places. I love mi familia very much, but sometimes their overprotectiveness stopped me from enjoying the simplest things.

Leonardo let me do whatever I wanted and if I couldn't reach something, he would lift me up or sit me on his broad shoulders, so I could easily get to what I needed. He doesn't see me as porcelain doll and I really appreciate it. 

We had a blast while decoration our home and danced, stole tender kisses, hugged, laughed and joked while doing so. 

"Looks good, Capo."- chuckled Martin as he walked in the living room, eating cookies that we baked yesterday. 

"You barge in like you live here."- stated Leo with amused smile while wrapping his muscular arms around my waist from behind, making me grin in contentedness. 

"If you bake these often, I definitely will move in. Who made them? They are bomb."- wondered Martin and I giggled. 

"Anyone wants hot chocolate?"- asked Aaron and I grinned wider. 

"I do and I will help you."- I said and kissed Leo's cheek before going with Aaron, who chuckled. 

"Lots of marshmallow for me."- hollered Martin and Aaron and I laughed. 

We made cinnamon hot chocolate with moderate amount of marshmallow for Leo, Aaron and I and much more for Martin.

I sat next to Leonardo and nuzzled into his side with his arm around my shoulders, holding me closely. We chatted about the gala, which is tomorrow, watched movie before Martin had to go with Jules presets shopping as they are going to Germany, her homeland, for holidays. 

"Can you hug me?"- I asked softly and kissed his sharp jawline softly. 

"Absolutely, bambina."- said Leonardo instantly and I happily straddled him, hiding my face in his neck as my arms wrapped around his sinewy torso. 

He held me closely and rubbed my back, placing delightful kisses on my shoulders, neck and jawline, allowing me to bathe in comfort and love. 

"I love you, Leo."- I almost whispered and held him tighter. 

"I love you, Cami. More than I can explain."- spoke Leo and kissed my neck tenderly. 

Leonardo hugged me affectionally, never stopping stroking my back. After a long while of soundless comfort and peace, we laid on our sides on the sofa and continued cuddling. 

None of us noticed how sleep creeped upon us. 

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