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I woke up first and soft smile formed on my face when the first thing I saw was my prepossessing husband. 

Sun-kissed, clear, dewy, inked skin is soft, smooth and very pleasant to the touch. Razor-sharp jawline, defined cheekbones, appealing chin, beautiful nose are nicely highlighted by sunlight that peers in the room. Long, dark, thick lashes rest on his cheekbones. Attractive eyebrows are finely shaped. Plump, rosy lips with cupid-bow look soft and inviting. Midnight black, velvety, shiny hair is in its natural waves and messy as one strand is laying across his forehead. 

Without a doubt, Leonardo is breathtaking. 

I gently moved the stand of his silky hair away from his forehead that I kissed softly on my way. Wider smile formed on my face when Leo smiled sleepily and pulled me closer. 

As I reached for my phone to check the time, I tenderly caressed his broad, strapping back. It is 7:45AM, Saturday. 

On the weekends everyone is off, so it is just us. We love our quality time with no interruptions. In addition to that, we have time to do our mutual hobbies and go on dates or have cute night in.

I carefully made my way out of Leonardo's secure, loving embrace and got up. As I am still naked, just like my dreamy husband, I wore my thong and his shirt, which I buttoned, leaving a few top buttons opened. Then I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. 

Now, it is time to make something nice for Leo. 

I went to the kitchen and patted our 5 dogs, whom I also fed. Once my eyes landed on gorgeous bouquet, I grinned widely. Flowers are colourful, vibrant, fresh and very pretty. Such sweet and romantic gesture will never get old to me. 

 As I looked through stocked up fridge and thought about delicious breakfast ideas, I drank glass of water

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 As I looked through stocked up fridge and thought about delicious breakfast ideas, I drank glass of water. Once my eyes landed on bananas, I remembered what Leo likes to have as morning cheat meal - banana oat waffles. That's what I am going to make. 

I took necessary ingredients and happily mixed them while Blaze, Rocco, Corrado, Flavio and Ambrosi sat around the spacious kitchen, chewing their toys. 


My eyes opened slowly and I raised my eyebrow at empty side of the bed. I got up and put on underwear and sweatpants before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I was done, I headed downstairs and smiled at sweet smell that is lingering in the air, creating such homely, welcoming, cozy atmosphere in the house. I walked in the kitchen and smirked at the gorgeous, heartwarming, yet very sexy sight.

 Camila has my silk dress shirt on and it reached a below her mid-thighs; the shirt fell off her dainty shoulder, adding such effortless seduction to her engaging appearance. Slim, long legs are exposed, looking as beautiful as ever. Light blonde, velvety, lustrous hair cascades down her back in marvellous, natural waves and sunlight adds appealing glow to her silky locks. 

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