Bonus chapter 40.

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Weeks later. December.

Adriano's P.O.V.

November break is over and we are in a new school now. Dom, Teo, Tini, triplets and I are in the same school: it is private, exclusive, luxurious, high-tech and boasts of holding 1st place in Europe. It was not just come and enrol here. All of us had to pass exams, which were actually easy for us, and only after getting excellent grades, we were accepted. 

Papá and mamma offered us two options: homeschooling or new school. We picked new school, liking the whole going to school process. During October we were homeschooled since the enrolling was closed for that time and in the end of November it opened again. 

Everything is perfect so far, we are really enjoying the new environment. We check on Tini and triplets through testing during breaks to make sure they are fine. Teachers are cool and fun, lessons are very informative and interesting, people are nice, though, we did meet a group of assholes, who wanted us to "join" them. No damn way. 

"What's next on the schedule?"- I asked my brothers, putting not needed textbooks in my locker; our lockers are right next to one another, so that is a big bonus.

"Sexual education."- replied Mateo, checking schedule, which is on our phones. 

We are not weird out by the class. Sure, we didn't have it at our previous school, but mamma and papá did talk to us about it last year: mamma talked with Martina and papá had a chat with us. It was very calm, serious, respectful conversation. 

He explained everything collectedly, making emphasis on the most important things: methods of contraception, how effective each of them is and diseases, which pass on during intercourse. Papá made it clear that sex is normal thing, nothing to be ashamed of, but it should be private and consensual at all times, respect for each other is vital. It was also clear that women endure more than men: it might hurt for the first time, they can get pregnant and the list goes on; moreover, pills actually have a never-ending list of warnings and side affects. 

I have no idea what about my brothers, but I know that I want my first time to be with someone I want a future with. I want to wait for the right woman for me. 

The three of us got going and ignore the group of stupid lads, who clearly find the class very entertaining. We sat far away from them, not wanting to hear their annoying laugh, and much to our fortune, teacher said we can sit in groups of 3 in any way we want, so we paired up together. 

The introductory part was done and teacher began the lesson. Today it is about human sexual anatomy and protection. 

By the time class finished, we were already looking forward to geography class. 

"Adri, Dom, Teo."- chirped familiar sweet voice, making us smile delightedly. 

We met our little sister half-way and hugged her when she clung to us, giggling happily. 

"I got a sticker from Signora Danili for excellent work during the class."- chirped Sofia, showing us a star sticker while grinning cutely. 

"Well done, piccola."- we praised her genuinely as Luc and Emi came to us, smiling contentedly. 

We peacefully went to the canteen and our sister joined us. All of us chatted about the first half of the day and experiences, coming to conclusion that we like this school a lot. 

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