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"Non posso crederti! Why the fuck would I want a stranger for a wife?!"- I said in vexation, not giving a fuck about my angry tone. (I can't believe you!)

"Attento alla bocca, figliolo. Non mi parlerai così. E la ragazza è molto gentile e ben educato, non giudicare qualcuno quando non li conosci"- stated sternly padre while looking at me warningly. (Watch your mouth, son. You will not speak like that to me. And the girl is very nice and well-mannered, don't judge someone when you don't know them.) 

"Eri mio padre anche tu quando hai firmato quell'alleanza?"- I said and left his office, making my way to my car. (Were you my father too when you signed that alliance?)

I can't fucking believe it. I turned 21 just 1 damn week ago. 

All that nagging about love was about what!? Marrying a total stranger?! I bet that she, just like every single woman out there, cares only about money and luxurious lifestyle. I am certain the she is selfish and greedy, stupid, useless and rude bitch, made out of plastic and botox with no brain to think with. 

Now all of that crap, that they made me do, makes sense: why I had to remain virgin in all damn ways possible, to know how to be a gentleman and other bullshit. 

I got in my car, fuming with anger, and drove to the warehouse. I need to lash my anger out. I stormed inside, getting everyone to freeze, but I don't give a fuck. I went to the shooting range and began shooting right away from the doorframe, hitting each target in the heart and between eyes, just like I like. As I kept walking further in the room, I shoot every  target.

"Man, what pissed you off so much?"- whistled Martin with smug look on his face. I pointed gun at him without looking and shoot right above his head on purpose, making him shut up as quickly as he spoke. Just an inch lower and he would have been dead. 

"Got it, Capo."- stated Martin and left me alone. I kept shooting for the rest of the day. At 8PM I headed home. 

Ambrosi, Rocco, Flavio, Corrado, my Doberman Pinschers, ran to me and rubbed their muzzles against my legs. I sighed while crouching down and started patting them all. 

All 4 of them are 3 years old, pitch black, muscular, strong and very dangerous for everybody, but me. They are trained to eliminate and to attack if they don't like person or object. They still do not tolerate my family, friends and my men; not that I have any problem with that. They do not let anyone near themselves, so I fully take care of them.

"I miei piccoli diavoli."- I said with smirk and patted their heads once more before getting up and entering the house. Dogs followed me; I let them inside as they are rather neat and careful. (My little devils.)

I fed them and poured them fresh water. I went upstairs to shower, do my regiment and change. I put on black sweatpants and white t-shirt before going to the dining room. I was served supper and while I ate, I answered emails regarding my legal businesses and successfully ignored all texts and calls from padre and madre. I am not in the mood to deal with them or that shitty situation. 

I went upstairs and Ambrosi, Rocco, Flavio, Corrado followed me, carrying their chewing toys in their mouthes. My room is massive, so there is more than enough room for all of them. They settled on the rug and began playing. I opened my laptop and started working. 

I took over the position of Capo dei Capi 2 years ago. I proved myself to be worthy of it, I worked my ass off for years. I have tons of work on daily bases, but I like it, so I am not opposed to it. Sure, I am in danger 24/7, but it is not like I have something or someone to loose, no-one is waiting for me or other crap. 

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