Bonus chapter 20.

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"Is everything clear?"- I asked my men and they nodded. 

The brothers are walking through the plan with their men. Everyone has vest, 5 silent guns and just as many knives.

"Capo?"- asked Sanches, getting my attention. 

"What do we do with Harold Gustos? Should we kill him right away?"- he asked and I smirked darkly. 

"I want that strozzo alive. But you can hurt him as you please, cut off his arm for all I care, but he should be breathing by the time I get to him."- I stated and they nodded. 

Death is too easy for what the fucker did. I will torture him until his last pathetic breath; moreover, I am sure that brothers want to teach him a couple of things for hurting their little sister. 

We got going, breaking into groups to move easier, cover more ground and be less noticeable. 

Gustos's men fell dead on the ground one by one, our silent guns made no sound. We checked so many rooms, my heart twisting in worry as all rooms turned out to be empty. 

"Just fucking say where he keeps documents, bitch!"- echoed moron's voice and I dashed to the room, where it is coming from. 

"Don't you dare touch her."- I warned him, shooting him in his right arm, making drop a bloody knife. 

My hear dropped in horror and blood boiled in rage. 

Camila is covered in bloody cuts and bruises: her dainty arms are bleeding so fucking much; her cheek is red; her toned thighs have numerous cuts on them; tears are streaming down her angelic face. She looks exhausted, lifeless. 

My love, my darling. 

"Took you long enough, Russo."- muttered Harold, yanking my beloved up by her petite arms, making her cry out in pain as my heart shuttered in pieces. 

"Let her go and I will give you what you want."- I said sternly while aiming gun at him, clenching my jaw when blood ran down her small arms faster. 

"Too fucking late! I will take what you love the most right in front of your eyes."- he sneered, pressing knife to her dainty neck, making my blood run cold. 

I cannot shoot him because he is holding Cami in front of himself. If I shoot, I risk hurting my pregnant wife and even thought I am brilliant sniper, I do not want to take risks. 

Her soft green, watery, bloodshot red eyes locked on mine and I looked at the fucker, gripping my gun firmer. I moved to Camila move and she tilted her pretty head aside, only for me to shoot the moron in his head. 

His corpse fell on the ground and I ran to Cami, catching her limp frame in my arms. 

"You came."- whispered tiredly my beloved as I kissed her forehead tenderly, holding her in my arms bridal style. 

"Of course, I did, amore mio."- I almost whispered shakily, holding her close and tight to myself. 

"Keep your eyes on me, baby girl. Don't close them."- I spoke in worry and fear, leaving the building as fast as I could. 

"It's hard, I cannot."- she said quietly, struggling to stay focused. 

"You can, angel, you are so strong. Do it for me, for bambinos."- I encouraged her warmly, kissing her forehead a few time, my lips lingering on that spot for a moment. 

She nodded weakly, laying limp in my arms. I exited the building and got in the car as Niro drove off fast, rushing to the hospital. I supported her fragile upper body, hugging her securely. My hand gently laid in her baby bump as I hoped and prayed for my wife and our triplets to be safe and well. 

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