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"Hey, man."- spoke Miguel as he walked in the kitchen, where I am drinking black, sugar-free coffee. 

"Hey."- I said bittersweetly as I drank my drink. 

"Buongiorno, figliolo."- stated padre, making his way to us with everyone behind him. (Good morning, son.)

"Buongiorno, papà."- I sighed, swirling the black liquid around the big mug. (Good morning, dad.)

"I hope it is your first coffee of the day."- said Juan in care and I shook my head, drawing the rest. 

"Fourth."- I corrected him and padre sighed.

I couldn't sleep: worry about my wife bugged me, drilling hole in my heart that feels like it stopped beating. I stayed wide awake all night, praying and hoping for the best.

We talked about our plan and I said that we will get Cami back today, leaving absolutely no space for any discussion. I showered, put on black jeans, matching t-shirt and sneakers. I glanced necklaces on my neck, bracelet on my wrist and ring on my finger.

"I will get you back, bambina."- I whispered as one tear rolled down my face.

After taking my guns and knives, I went to my office in the house. 

"What are you doing?"- asked Sebastian as I began typing on my laptop. 

"Merda."- I spat in fury. 

"They are not in Calenzano anymore."- I stated in vexation, glaring at them. 

If they would have let me go yesterday, she would have been here by now. 

"They are in fucking Turin."- I said, feeling more wrathful when I couldn't find her exact location, but one thing for sure I found: it is definitely in secluded, abandoned place, far away from the eyes.

"Is that far?"- asked Emanuel with great disappointment and anger in his voice.

"At least 5 fucking hours by car."- I answered and began arranging jet, which will be faster. 

We began finished last minute preparations before driving to the airport. 


I woke up on cold ground with my head pounding. I weakly sat up, feeling very feeble. My eyes scanned my surroundings while my arms wrapped around my freezing frame: I am in prison of some kind. Walls and floor are made of stone, wind is brutally shredding my exposed skin as I am in my silk pjs that are covered in bloody stains. 

I examined myself and saw big, bloody bruise on my left arm. I slightly touched it and shut my eyes tightly at the unutterable pain. As I have nothing that I can use to stop the bleeding, I sucked it up. Luckily, the jewellery is still on me. 

I glanced at my rings, smiling softly at them: I know that Leo will find me; he always has my back. 

"Good morning, Mrs Russo. What a lovely surprise."- stated sickening voice of man that I dreaded seeing ever again.

"Silence treatment, I see. I can work with that."- Petro shrugged and sat in front of my cell on a chair. 

"Just so you know, you have been out for nearly 2 days. That little dose knocked you out good, eh."- laughed bastardo and I looked away. 

"Your husband is one lucky man, pear. You are quite a catch: rich, powerful, sexy and pretty with very nice, feline body. I wonder what would he say if I had my fun with you."- went on Petro, making me tense up from fear and disgust.

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