Bonus chapter 45.

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It's been 7 days of our vacation in Turkey. It is very fun, relaxing, eventful and active. Bambinos are enjoying the vacation immensely, Leo and I have a great time with our families and one on one, our parents are enjoying themselves just as much. 

Every evening we go to the theatre for bambinos to go on the disco that they like so much and watch different performances and programs. We explored hotel's territory, so we know our way around much better. It is all included type, meaning everything is unlimited. All of us experienced Turkish night with their national cuisine, dances, music and insights; it was exceedingly interesting. 

Martin is highlight of our days because he does something exceedingly goofy and unplanned daily non-stop: once he was too lazy to get dessert fork, so he just stuck with the fork, which he ate chilly pepper with, so needless to say that he is now taking utensils in advance; he also had a misfortunate accident with swimming trucks while we were diving - his laces for securing trucks around waistline got stuck among some rocks, while he was trying to get laces out, he managed to rip trunks from behind. 

All in all everything is very nice. 

Today Martin is dragging us shopping, being convinced that it is a great idea.

But right now it is just 6AM - time that Leonardo and I have solely to ourselves. 

"This feels good."- I said softly, smiling as his fingertips glazed over my spine soothingly, I am snuggled into his side, my head on his robust chest. 

"Indeed."- he replied huskily, smiling dreamily at me. 

Last night Leo took me on a date, which was so magical and romantic: he gave me such gorgeous bouquet of fresh peonies with cherry blossom, we had the most beautiful sunset picnic, walk along the seashore, danced and kissed under night sky, having a pure blast. Once in our room, our night didn't come to its end as we made the sweetest love, taking our time with each kiss, stroke, caress and whisper. All of it was unimaginably beautiful. 

My forearm gently laid on his vast chest and I cupped his defined jawline with my other hand, kissing him lovingly, smiling as he held my waist, pulling me closer. 

"Mamma, papá."- murmured Angelica and Ariana, knocking on the door. 

"Come in, sweethearts."- we replied and they opened the door, approaching us. 

Leo and I sat up as our twins climbed in bed to us, looking sick. I hugged Ari as Angie hid in her dad's strong, protective arms. 

"Are you alright, piccoli?"- he asked in concern and they shook their heads, snuggling into us. 

Once the two of them sneezed, we didn't even doubt the reason behind that - AC has too big contrasts with temperature outdoor. We made sure they always had dry hair and clothes when we went to the suite or restaurant whosoever, but seems like it didn't do much.

Luckily, they do not have temperature, but they are sneezing, coughing and have runny nose. 

"It's going to be alright, girls."- I soothed them, kissing their cheeks before taking phone and calling room service.

"Günaydın. Bitki çayı sipariş etmek istiyorum."- I said politely, hugging Ari as she slipped under covers with her sister, who nuzzled into Leo as he cuddled her. (Good morning. I'd like to order herbal tea.) 

Lady said that the tea will be here in 10 minutes.

"Çok teşekkür ederim."- I replied to the lady on the phone, putting phone down. (Thank you very much.) 

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