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"Signora Russo."- sounded Ignazio's voice quietly as I felt him shake me lightly.

My eyes opened and I blinked, getting used to the blinding darkness in the room. I looked at him confusedly, sitting up carefully not to wake up bambinos, who are sleeping peacefully, being snuggled into me.

"Dobbiamo volare a Firenze in questo momento."- he told me, making my heart drop. (We have to fly to Florence right now.)

"Tutte le cose erano imballate e l'aereo ti sta aspettando."- informed me Ignazio and I nodded, telling him that we will be out in a moment. (All things were packed and the plane is waiting for you.)

He left and I gently woke up bambinos, feeling bad for bursting their sleep so early - it is 3 in the morning. I lightly rubbed Adriano's and Domenico's backs, laying feathery kisses on their cheeks, which made him only hug me securer.

"Wake up, ragazzi."- I whispered to them softly, being just as drowsy.

Shortly their eyes fluttered open and they pouted sleepily, hugging me cutely. I woke up everyone else, being just as tender with them.

"We are flying back home."- I told my children with a smile quietly and that was all it took for them to smile like never before - ecstatic, overjoyed, relived, adorable smiles framed their beautiful faces in matter of a second.

"We are going to papà!"- stated in utmost delight Tini, hugging me tightly.

"Most certainly, tesoro."- I replied, feeling every inch of me burn with excitement and euphoria - I cannot wait to hold Leo in my arms.

Kids eagerly got up and rushed to change, oozing cheerfulness. Carmen looked in my room, smiling just as widely.

"I take you told them the news?"- she wondered warmly and I giggled, nodding in confirmation.

She went to make something for bambinos to eat before the departure and I got dressed. I wore black, high-waisted, skinny jeans and Leonardo's white sweater, adding white sneakers to the mix. After I brushed my hair, I tied it in a high ponytail with a few strands out. Then I quickly took my phone and headed out as Ignazio went inside to take my 2 white suitcases. 

I went to twins, who are peacefully sleeping in the crib. I took their seats, detaching them from the stroller, and delicately sat them in them, fixing their belts right away. Luckily, their onesies are light and warm enough for the weather and flight time, so I don't have to change them. As I tucked them in, I kept my motions as careful and quiet as I could not to wake them up. 

Once girls were set, I packed change of clothes for them, just in case weather in Florence is different: one type of onesies is much warmer and the other is lighter. I put diapers, wipes, powder in the same travel bag and folded their coats before putting them in the bag too. 

"I will help you, mamma."- spoke merrily Mateo with a smile and took the travel bag, being my little helper. 

"Grazie mille, tesoro."- I replied with a smile and kissed his forehead as he smiled brighter. 

I took twins and we headed downstairs. Bambinos ate light and healthy breakfast before we headed out, reaching the jet in no time. 

"We are going home, we are going home, we are going home."- chanted excitedly Sofi with adorable smile as Domenico helped her to fasten her belt. 

"I cannot wait to see papà."- stated in joy Adriano as his siblings quickly agreed, making me smile brightly. 

In less than 5 minutes we took off and our 18 hour long flight began.  

I am over the moon to be going back home, but I also cannot help the gut wrenching feeling, as if something happened. My racing heart will be at peace once pair of strong, muscular, inked arms wraps around my waist tightly and plump, soft lips with ideal cupid-bow melt into mine in passionate, loving, fierce kiss. 

Bambinos fell asleep shortly, still being drowsy and in need of good rest, as Angelica and Ariana kept sleeping peacefully, holding their small teddy-bears loosely in their small hands. Carmen and I are drinking tea, both looking forward to seeing our husbands. 

18 hours passed by much faster in comparison to our way to the island. When we landed, kids eagerly dashed outside, but stopped all of a sudden. 

"Where is daddy?"- asked with pout Tini when I came out of the jet, carrying Ariana as Angelica is in Carmen's arms.

I scanned the surroundings in worry and fear, seeing anything, but my husband: large, black SUV; men from Famiglia; crew. Knowing my Leo, he would never ever do such thing. Bloody heel, he will be the first one to meet us: to hug bambinos, to sweep me off my feet, to tell us how much he loves us and how much he missed us. 

" Dov'è Leo?"- I asked men, who gulped, looking too damn hesitant to answer. (Where is Leo?) 

"Il capo è in ospedale."- answered tentatively Niro, making my heart drop. (Boss is in the hospital.) 

I took a deep breath to stay collected for bambinos, feeling worried out of my mind. I calmly told them to go home with their grandma and guards as I will come to them later and kids complied, on condition that their dad will see them very soon. 

Once I was sure they drove off safely, I got in another SUV and commanded Niro to drive me to that hospital fast. My heart is racing from scare and concern as mind filled with all possible scenarios. 

The moment the car stopped, I dashed out of it. Luckily, no-one asked for my ID whatsoever, knowing who I am, and nurse told me where which room to go to. 

I saw doctor about to enter Leonardo's room and rushed to him, ignoring Martin and mi familia for the time being. 

"Come sta? sta bene?"- I asked doctor in worry as he looked at me with way too calm smile. (How is he? is he alright?) 

"Il signor Russo aveva un proiettile al braccio sinistro. Abbiamo rimosso con successo il proiettile, quindi ora sta riposando. Nessun organo vitale è stato danneggiato. È stato sottoposto ad anestesia per l'intervento, quindi ci vuole del tempo prima che si svegli."- informed me doctor, making my heart flutter in utmost relief. (Mr Russo had bullet in his left arm. We successfully removed the bullet, so now he is resting. No vital organs were harmed. He was put under anaesthesia for the surgery, so it will take some time before he wakes up.) 

I glared at Niro, wanting nothing, but to strangle him. 

"¡¿Estás loco?!"- I said in frustration and anger, holding back the colourful language, yet a few words slipped up. (Are you out of your mind?!)

I sighed, leaning on the wall. 

"What did the poor lad do, hermanita?"- wondered amusedly Sebastian as hermanos and papa hugged me tightly.

"He said that Leo is in hospital, making it sound like something horrible happened."- I said with pout, feeling so overwhelmed with the events of the last 24 hours. 

They explained to me what happened, but once I asked how was Leonardo, my heart sunk down at the heard. God, he must have felt so alone. 

When the doctor finished checking on Leo, I went inside. My eyes watered at the sight. I am glad that nothing worse happened, that he is well and will recover soon, but this doesn't mean that this is easy to bear. 

I approached him, feeling delighted to see my husband after so long. He is as handsome and dreamy as ever, yet traces of sleepless nights are there. I held his large, veiny, beautiful hand in mine, smiling softly at the heartwarming feeling. 

I leaned down to his level and kissed his forehead, blinking away a tear. 

"Ti amo così tanto, Leo."- I whispered profoundly, laying one more gentle kiss on his forehead. (I love you so much, Leo.)

I stayed by his side for a while. At 3PM I drove home to check on kids, telling them what happened and promised to take them to their dad once he is awake. I fed twins and drank a cup of tea before heading back to the hospital, not wanting to leave my husband alone for a long time. 

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