Bonus chapter 30.

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It's been 2 weeks since the birth of our quadruplets. 

For 1 week we stayed in the hospital since our babies needed to be monitored purely to make sure they are healthy and don't need anything; we also got allergies tests done during that time. Once the needed time passed, we went home. 

Leo and I manage much better than we thought we would. We genuinely work like such a perfect team: he knows that it is tough for me to feed quadruplets in tiredness aspect, so he feeds Max and twins himself when I cannot; bath time is a while process during which we give each other a hand and learn together; we check on them together at all times because 4 babies at the same time for 1 person is a lot to handle. The list goes on and on, but we love this. 

Cuddling with our kids is extra mellow and snug. Strolls are extra fun and cosy. Movie night and playtime are extra wholesome and precious. Quadruplets' album is filled with photos and my pregnancy video was finished once we added bits with our babies on them. 

As to their behaviour, they are just as calm as our elder children were: no crying, no unstable sleeping schedule, no brattiness whatsoever. I am glad I can breastfeed just fine without leaking, soreness, pain. I got no stretch marks, lines, redness and my mark from C-section is much smaller, so I am sure it will be gone in no time. Much to my fortune, I also came back in shape: my bump is gone, weight dropped to 51 kilogram, no fat. I haven't worked out just yet, so I am certain that once I get active again, I will be back to my pre-pregnancy shape. 

Last but not least, our families. Grandparents and uncles arrived the second they flew back to Italy. They visited us at home and met our little beans on the same day, loving them as much as our precious elder bambinos.

All in all, everything is perfect. 

"Good morning, mamma and papá!"- chirped our eldest son, getting in bed to us, and we smiled drowsily, cuddling our cutie-pie. 

All of them adore the sibling-hood, but boys are just extra golden: attentiveness, care, protectiveness, thoughtfulness leaped billion times. There is nothing they won't do, they have been such great help for us: we had to answer business calls a few times and they kept an eye on their small siblings, being so responsible and tender with them. It is just beyond describable.

"Good morning, tesoro. How did you sleep?"- we replied happily, kissing the top of his head.

"Great, grazie. How are you?"- responded Adri, comfily nestling between us as we hugged him. 

"Very well, grazie mille, amico."- we answered with smiles. 

The three of us chilled together since it is very early - 05:30AM. In some time Dom, Teo and Tini peered in the room, joining our cuddling moment too. Then triplets came to us and we stayed together until it was time for them to get dressed for school. 

"Not so fast, amore mio."- spoke huskily my hot husband, wrapping his muscular, strong, inked arms around my waist, capturing my lips in a slow, deep, sensual kiss that made me melt. 

My arms secured around his neck and I eagerly attached to his hard, strapping, powerful, tall body, burning with need for him. Leo sucked on my bottom lip, earning soft moan from me as I tugged on his velvety, shiny, voluminous, midnight black hair. 

Bloody hell, it's been way too long - 4 months: we stopped getting intimate when I was around my 7th month. Kissing doesn't suffice us much and I want full set of delights: spanking, hair pulling, chocking, hickeys, biting, him pounding in me, going down on me, fucking my mouth. I was fortunate not to get any complications, so once 5 more weeks tick by - I will get what I want. 

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