Bonus chapter 13.

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"I don't like the colour. It is way too orange."- I said calmly, wiping the newest lipstick off my lips. 

I am testing out new summer collection, doing various makeup looks: fancy, natural, bright and minimal. So far, everything is brilliant, except 2 lipsticks and 1 eyeshadow shade - I don't like colours. 

"It is like carrot."- chuckled Marcel, gladly writing down fat minus in according spot. 

Soon the photoshoot for the collection followed: beach theme with mermaid-like packaging. During the shoot I took care of Angelica and Ariana, who are enjoying the atmosphere immensely.

"Ti piace il trucco della mamma?"- I asked happily as they are smiling cheerily, nodding eagerly. (Do you like mummy's makeup?) 

Ari is holding brush for highlighter as Angie has clear lipgloss in her small hand. I hugged my cutie-pies and kissed their cheeks, earning adorable hugs and smiled in reply. Noriel, the photographer, approached me and I looked through the pictures, liking the results. 

All in all, after 3 hours my team and I created 10 makeup looks with different hairstyles. Once it all was wrapped up, I washed my face and did natural look, going for bare minimum since my skin had enough of products for the day. 

I entered my office, closing the glam room's door, and smiled at my twins, who are peacefully eating apple slices and colouring. 

"How are my little princesses doing?"- I spoke happily, giggling as they said "mummy" and extend their small arms to me. 

I picked their tiny selves up in my arms and kissed their cheeks, sitting down at the desk with them. Girls settled on my lap and looked at the big screen of my iMac, seeing big list of plans for the next month. 

After giving birth to Maximiliano, I dedicated most of my time to my family: bambinos and my husband, who looked after our kids and me just as devotedly, barely doing any business or Mafia related things. Now that Max is 2 and twins are 3, Leonardo and I are getting back to our grand projects: he has new concept of restaurants and hotels planned and I want to extend my chain of beauty salons to a few more counties. It is a lot of work, but we are excited to be fully back in the game. 


"Il mio bel ragazzo."- I cooed my son, smiling as he clung to me and said "papá" so damn cutely. (My handsome boy.)

I am at the headquarters with my youngest son, working on major business plan. Eldest bambinos are in school and twins are with my gorgeous wife. 

"This is bullshit."- groaned Martin and froze, realising what he did, getting a hard glare from me. 

"Bullshit."- repeated amusedly Max, chuckling in entertainment as granddad's flew wide open. 

"Non dovresti dirlo, amico. È una brutta cosa da dire e farà arrabbiare mamma e papà."- I told Maximiliano calmly and he nodded, pouting sadly. (You shouldn't say that, buddy. It is a very bad thing to say and it will make mummy and daddy upset.) 

"Non mi piace la mamma triste."- said Max, hugging me, and I smiled. (Don't like mummy sad.) 

"Esatto, quindi non dirlo mai più."- I stated warmly, rubbing his back gently, as he nodded in utmost understanding. (Exactly, so never ever say that again.) 

"Say that one more time and you know what I will do."- I warned Martin, who grinned idiotically.

"Come on, I got a booty call denial. At least, sympathise."- ranted my best friend as I held my son in my arms while he is eating from a bottle on his own. 

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