Bonus chapter 48.

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The middle of July.



I pouted sleepily as my phone buzzed on my nightstand, rudely interrupting my sleepy-sleep time. I nuzzled into my beloved husband, who is cuddling me as his little spoon, and he pulled me closer, hiding his handsome face in my neck.

Once the buzzing didn't know peace, I sighed and drowsily reached for my phone, mindlessly answering the call. 

"Hermanita, tienes que volar a Madrid ahora."- stated Miguel as I heard a lot of sobbing on the background. (Baby sister, you have to fly out to Madrid now.)

My heart dropped as million scenarios filled my mind, making me feel sick and worried. 

"Miguel, ¿qué ha pasado? ¿Están bien usted y sus hermanos? ¿Está bien papá?"- I asked in concern, gently sitting up, holding covers against my bare chest. (Miguel, what's happened? Are you and brothers alright? Is papa alright?)

Leo woke up and glanced at me in worry, sitting up right next to me. 

"Miguel, respóndame, maldita sea."- I pleaded, holding Leonardo's forearm as he hugged me, warmth of his vigorous, powerful, strong body kept me safe and loved. (Miguel, answer me, goddamn.) 

"Solo llega aquí tan pronto como puedas, hermanita."- said Miguel through tears, hanging up, and I looked at my phone in scare, dropping it with my shaky hands. (Just get here as soon as you can, baby sister.)

"Shh, calm down, amore mio. You are pregnant, you cannot wreck yourself to such state."- soothed Leo warmly, holding my trembling hands in his big, lukewarm, soft, veiny ones.

"We have to fly out to Madrid right now."- I said as calmly as I could, taking deep breaths to stay sane for our precious twins. 

Leo kissed my forehead and took his phone, dialling our pilot. I snuggled into his protective embrace, focusing on staying calm, and he arranged our private jet, keeping me tight and close to himself. 

"Jet will be ready in an hour, bambina. Enough time to pack and get dressed, sì?"- said Leo warmly, laying tender kiss on my lips. 

"Sì."- I agreed, pressing my lips against his plump, soft ones, kissing him devotedly, cupping his jaw gently as he held me close. 

We got up and quickly did our routines before packing 1 big suitcase for the two of us. Then we moved onto getting dressed. 

It is nighttime and very windy. I picked nice, warm, yet light dress and white trainers. Once my hair was fixed and face was looked after, texted mi hermanos that we should arrive around 6-7AM. 

I glanced at Leo, who looks imposing and dreamy as always, and he kissed my forehead, holding my hand securely, giving it tender squeeze

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I glanced at Leo, who looks imposing and dreamy as always, and he kissed my forehead, holding my hand securely, giving it tender squeeze. 


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