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One month. Nearly entire November.

One month without breathtaking smile, sweet giggles, magical twinkles in vivid green eyes, comforting embrace, heavenly voice, silvery laugh, tender and loving touch. 

One month filled with worry, fear and hope. 

The scars and bruises are gone with no traces left behind. Camila's condition is getting better, but traces of horror that she went through are still there: she lost weight, once sun-kisses skin is now paler, lips that used to be rosy are of pink colour now. 

"Delivery."- chirped Miguel, just like everyday. 

"Gracias."- I said and kept caressing Cami's dainty hand that I am holding with my thumb. 

"She will pull through, man. Hermanita loves us all too much to not come back."- consoled Miguel with reassuring smile and I nodded. 

Throughout the day everyone visited, including Mercedes and Gretchen. I remained by Camila's side, holding her petite hand securely, caressing it, kissing it over and over again. 

Day passed as agonisingly as the previous ones.  

Now, it is 2 in the morning and I am drinking green tea, reminiscing about how much Cami likes it and how happy she was when I agreed to drink it for the first time. That tea seems to be all I consume. 

I blinked as I felt her nails glaze over my hand ever so slightly. I immediately leaned down to her lever and held her hand tighter, feeling my hope rise immediately.

"Bambina."- I spoke softly and she repeated her barely noticeable movements. 

"Baby, please, wake up."- I said with hopeful, relieved smile on my face. 

Soft sigh escaped from her as her pretty head turned to the side and small pout formed on her plump lips. Very slowly long and thick lashes fluttered as green eyes, that I fell in love with deeply, opened with difficulty. Tear of joy rolled down my face.

"Cami."- I whispered and more tears rolled down my face when she held my hand, fixing her magical eyes on mine. 

I didn't waste any time: I carefully, gently hugged her and kissed her cheek. I hid my face in her neck and shed tears of pure happiness when Camila wrapped her dainty arms around me. 

"Leo."- cried softly Cami, holding me closely. 

"Sì, baby. It's me. I am right here, principessa."- I spoke and kissed her cheek over and over again. 

We just held each other, letting tears of relief travel down our faces. 


I hugged Leo as tightly as I could, which wasn't that secure as usually due to my feebleness. I kissed his cheek and he held me a bit tighter, being careful not to hurt me. 

Time passed by and after a while we let go. Leonardo called the doctor, who very quickly came to check on me. 

"Come si sente, Signora Russo?"- asked the doctor and I blinked; my mind is still getting used to functioning again. (How are you feeling, Mrs Russo?)

I took a moment to analyse how I feel. 

"Mi sento un po' stordito e debole."- I answered while taking Leo's hand in mine to what he eagerly complied to, intertwining our fingers. (I feel slightly dizzy and feeble.)

"Il capogiro è dovuto a voi essere in venire per un lungo periodo di tempo; scomparirà molto presto. La debolezza è qualcosa che andrà via con il tempo. Senti qualche dolore?"- stated doctor and I slowly absorbed the heard. (The dizziness is due to you being in coma for a long time; it will disappear very soon. Weakness is something that will go away with time. Do you feel any pain?)

"Niente dolore."- I replied with a slight frown while  examining myself, noticing that all scars are gone. (No pain.) 

"Lei si è ripresa molto bene, Signora Russo. Vi tiremo qui per l'osservazione. Se tutto andrà bene, puoi andare a casa."- commented doctor with bright smile as he read file in his hands. (You recovered remarkably well, Mrs Russo. We will keep you here for observation. If everything will be well, you can go home.)

After running a few tests, he left and I instantly pulled Leonardo to myself on bed. He smiled sweetly at me and laid next to me, just like I wanted. I wrapped myself in his arms and hid my face in his chest while his muscular arms wrapped around my back. 

"You are here."- I spoke in great relief and joy, sneaking my arms around his torso. 

"I am, baby. I will always be with you no matter what. I am so sorry that I took so much time."- stated Leo and kissed the top of my head. 

"Don't you dare blame yourself. You had nothing to do with him and what happened, it isn't your fault. Leo, you came to save me and we are back together, that's what matters."- I assured him softly, but seriously, meaning every word. 

"I will always come to your rescue, principessa. You are my everything."- spoke Leonardo as I tilted my head backwards to look in the hypnotising, gorgeous, hazel eyes that I love so much. 

"I love you with all my heart."- I said sincerely and hugged him securely. 

"I love you unmeasurably and unconditionally, Cami."- he stated and pulled me closer. 

I traced his razor-sharp jawline that has weeks old stubble on it. Almost unnoticeable black circles formed under his enchanting eyes. I didn't miss how his taut frame relaxes under my touch, but once it is gone, he tenses up again. 

"I am sorry."- I almost whispered as Leonardo wiped away tear that I didn't notice. 

"Don't, bambina. I am much better now and I will be fine in no time."- he spoke warmly and kissed my forehead. 

I nodded and tightened my hold of his sinewy physic. Leo laid his handsome face in my neck and his stubble ticked my skin, making me giggle. 


Once I head that adorable, sweet, heartwarming giggle, I smiled widely. Fuck, how much I missed her. 

I nuzzled my face in her beautiful neck more, causing her to giggle cutely again and my smile turned into grin. I kissed her neck delicately as I pressed her dainty body against mine, leaving no space between us. 

It didn't take a long time before both of us drifted off to sleep in each other's embrace. 

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