Bonus chapter 10.

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A few weeks later.


I sighed, waking up to rubbing of my back. My eyes opened and I smiled drowsily at the sight of my gorgeous wife being hidden in my arms, seeing peacefully. I looked behind my back and saw twins wide awake with uncomfortable look on their faces.

"Is everything alright, ragazzi?"- I asked quietly in concern, tenderly laying Camila down on the bed, removing my arms carefully. 

Domenico and Mateo shook their heads, pointing down, and I followed their motion, not expecting to see them with boners. 

"Come on."- I told them quietly, getting up, and they nodded, following me to their room. 

"First thing first, take a cold shower, it will help. And then I will explain it, alright?" - I told them calmly and boys nodded, heading tho their separate bathrooms. 

I sat on the arm chair, patiently waiting for them to finish, and in a few minutes they came to me, looking better and much more relaxed. They sat next to me, leaning on me as I hugged them. 

"It is completely normal, you have nothing to worry about, guys."- I assured them, closing my words cautiously. 

I went for simple, easily understandable anatomic explanation: hormone, blood-flow. I also explain why cold shower and that it is harmless, even healthy at some perspective. They woke up because of it, so I assume they got either uncomfortable in any laying position or felt it by touch. Anyway, now they feel much better about the whole situation and don't freak out, which I am glad about. 

"Do you take cold shower too, papá?"- wondered Mateo, him and his twin being at ease and cosy. 

"Sì."- I replied collectedly, skipping the part about getting some delightful help from my wife. 

Since it is Tuesday and very early hour, only 6 o'clock, I set boys in beds, so they could get a few hours of sleep. 

"Grazie, papá."- said boys sleepily as I smiled at them. 

"Always, ragazzi."- I answered warmly and they smiled preciously, drifting off to sleep in no time. 

I went to the bedroom and saw my beloved wide awake. 

"Where have you been, handsome?"- asked drowsily Camila, snuggling into me as I cuddled her. 

"Domenico and Mateo woke up with boners, so I explained it to them and now they are all good, sleeping peacefully."- I replied warmly, kissing her cheek. 

"You are incredible dad, amore."- spoke lovingly my wife, pecking me fondly. 

I smiled at her and kissed her gently, hugging her tight to myself. We fell asleep in tranquility, enjoying our bubble. 

7 in the morning.

I woke up early to drive kids to school, letting Cami sleep a bit longer. After all, after last night she needs a good rest. 

"Get some sleep, bambina. I will take care of bambinos."- I whispered to her warmly, kissing her cheek, as she woke up. 

Camila nodded drowsily, pecking me cutely, and nuzzled under covers. I tucked her in better and kissed her temple before getting up. I took a shower, did my routine and quietly went to the closet to get dressed. 

Since I have only paperwork to deal with today, I can dress less formally: white pollo, black jeans with shoes to match. Breguet Grande hand watch. Cologne on my neck and wrists. I fixed my jewellery and was all good to go.

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