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I woke up at 6AM, per usual. I showered, did my regiment and got dressed in black dress pants, matching jacket and white button-up shirt. I styled my hair, sprayed on my cologne and actually smiled when I caught glimpse of my wedding band. 

As I finished, I headed out of my room and stopped. I looked at my watch; it is 6:45AM. She is definitely asleep, but fuck, I want to spend her before I go to work. 

My need to be around Camila won over me without any obstacles. 

I twisted the doorknob and peered inside, smiling at the cute sight of Cami wrapped in the covers securely while her hands are under the pillow as she is laying on her side. Dogs are already awake as they are used to my schedule, but remain quiet. 

I walked in the room, taking a greedy breath of alluring scent. I spotted the flowers which I sent her on the desk, making me smile wider as I walked up to bed, crouching down next to Camila. As soon as I did so, drowsy smiled formed on those plump, rosy and juicy lips of hers.


Spicy, smokey and familiar scent wrapped around me, making me smile sleepily. I nuzzled my face in the pillow.

"Principessa, wake up."- spoke fruity, husky and velvety voice spoke quietly, getting humming out of me. 

All of a sudden big and lukewarm hand was placed on my back and began stroking it gently, sending me further in my sleep.

"Cami."- said deep voice again so softly and gently, but this time, my mind quickly grasped the idea of who is here. Only one person can call me like this. 

I opened my eyes slowly and was greeted by Leonardo, who looks polished to perfection as always. 

He has black set on with crisp white dress shirt; the attire adds even more irresistibleness and danger to him; the clothes make his robust frame appear even bigger and more intimidating. Midnight black hair is neatly styled in its natural waves. Razor-sharp face features are eye-catching and spellbinding. Hazel eyes have soft look in them while sunlight makes them twinkle brightly, making that deep green colour more brighter and entrancing, while that light brown looks like caramel. The mixture of colours is utterly enchanting. Warm smile is formed on those full lips with well-defined cupid-bow. 

It should be a sin to look this good.

"Hi, Leo."- I spoke drowsily with wide smile. Leonardo chuckled, making me smile wider; his laugh is deep and exceedingly melodic. I will never get enough of it. 

"Hi, principessa."- he answered and my mood quickly turned into pure ecstasy. 

"I am princess now?"- I asked as I rolled on my stomach, still facing Leonardo.

"You are Queen, but principessa sounds sweeter than regina. And I have a lot of nicknames for you."- replied Leo with award-winning smile. 

How can that be the same man from just a few weeks ago?

"How about breakfast with me, Cami?"- offered Leonardo and I sat up faster than I ever did. 

"Absolutely."- I eagerly agreed before getting out of bed. I heard the most pleasant laugh in reply, making me smile from euphoria. 

I did my routine 10 times faster. Shower that usually takes 20 minutes, took 10 at most. I walked in the closet and chose simple, but nice outfit, pairing it with heels. I styled my hair and did my makeup. I sprayed my perfume on my neck and wrist, packed my bag and was out in no time. 

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