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January passed by. 

Leonardo and I are very close, keep getting close while our relationship becomes stronger day by day. We spend a lot of time together: dates at home and active ones, like cycling, rollerskating, ice skating, strolls whatsoever; movie nights; spontaneous fun activities; random photographs that we take on daily basis, finding them very precious to our hearts; we work out together every day too. 

In addition to that, our passionate loving is frequent. To be specific, it is daily. Both of us are more than up for it. Also, I am not sure what it is - me, him or hormones - but Leonardo keeps getting sexier and more attractive to me. Not like I mind.

We finally settled in our home completely. The two of us added pictures in frames in a few places, adding homely feeling to our cozy, perfect nest. 

And we also have new addition to our family. Our 5th Doberman Pinscher - Blaze. He is 3 months old and has pitch black fur, just like Ambrosi, Corrado, Rocco and Flavio, who accepted him easily and are very friendly with him. He is like little brother to them.

At first Leo asked whether I would like another dog to what I immediately agreed to because I love animals. When we came to pick breed, the moment I saw Blaze, I knew that he will make wonderful member of our family. Leonardo didn't mind my choice, he actually loved him. Blaze got just as luxurious space of his own as his 4 big brothers have. 

Work is going well for us. A lot was done in the last month and it all tends to get exhausting, but we are always there for each other when times gets hard. 

And last, but not least, I am 5 weeks pregnant. We are very slowly and excitedly preparing for arrival of our little one by educating ourselves on babies and pregnancy as there are a lot of things to learn. My training sessions are a bit less intense, but I mostly carry on as I did before. I stretch more and do yoga; Leo even does yoga with me from time to time, which makes me extra happy. A few couple yoga moments are incorporated in our workout programs.

Overall, the two of us are very excited and glad to start new chapter of our lives.


No words can describe how blissed I feel. 

Camila is the most adorable human being. Her cravings and newly gained pregnancy habits are so winsome that I can't get enough of seeing them. 

Our family plans are slowly building up and we are thrilled to bits. The two of us want to take time off work when our little bungle of joy arrives. Without a doubt, with Mafia it will be harder to take time off, but I will do my best to spend as much time with our baby and Camila as possible. 

Also, her cuteness is as lovely as ever, but her craving for skin to skin contact is even wilder and I love it. Our nights are diverse and exceptionally pleasant: rough switches to sweet and vice-versa; fast and slow; carnal and tender. I am more than happy to make each of her desires come true. 

We are having great time and our love is getting stronger every day. Everything is perfect. 

Right now I am at the warehouse and meeting has just finished. Martin, who still doesn't understand why I am not drinking and nags about it non-stop, and padre are drinking whiskey. 

I am irritated because I had to go to work at 5 fucking AM because of some issues with stocks. That meant I had to leave without getting Camila's loving kiss, peaceful embrace and hearing her angelic voice and delightful giggles. She wasn't ecstatic about me having to go either. 

Before I left, I very carefully woke her up and told that I have to get going. She pouted, but understood that it is my work. After we exchanged sincere I love you's, I left, letting her sleep since after last night she definitely needed good rest. 

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