(Rewrite) Classes

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School was the same, people kept bothering Saiki. Currently Toritsuka was bothering Saiki about a new girl. He learned just to toon them all out but it was still annoying when they did talk to him. ‘Hey Kaidou. I’m bored, want to talk?’ Saiki asked the boy without moving.

Kaidou jumped a bit but calmed down, ‘Sure. You ok over there?’ ‘Yeah, I’ve learned to tune them out.’ Kaidou silently nodded. ‘Sit closer.’ Kaidou listened and moved up a few seats right next to Saiki. The group of students were still surrounding Saiki so Kaidou stuck to it’s outside. ‘So, why did you want me to move up?’ Kaidou asked, not like he was complaining. ‘Just to talk. I couldn't really see you back there.’ ‘Are you sure you can see me now?’ Kaidou jokes, playing off his cherry face. ‘Yup.’ And with that his face grew redder.

Suddenly a window shattered. ‘What was that?!’ Was heard from most of the class as everyone rushed over to the window. Kaidou and Saiki were the only two who stayed seated but Kaidou was soon pulled over to Saiki who kissed him. ‘S-Saiki. Someone might see.’ Kaidou thought, stuttering. ‘I can tell with my telepathy.’ Saiki explained. ‘Cool.’

Just then the teacher came in. “Step away from the broken window.” She said, quickly calling the janitor before starting class.

ΨTime skip to the day of Okinawa tripΨ

-Brought to you by Gay boys ;)

Saiki woke up at 7am to his alarm. He sat up and grabbed his glasses from the table, putting them on. ‘Oh yeah. Today’s the Okinawa trip.’ Saiki got ready for his day before heading to the kitchen and grabbing a coffee jelly before heading to school.

“Hey Kusuo.” Kaidou said, standing by Saikis door. (Totally on a first name basis) Saiki smiled, “Good morning Shun.” “Are you ready for Okinawa today?” Kaidou asked, basically jumping. Saiki chuckled, “Yes I’m ready.” The two continued to walk to school, talking about anything.

They made it to school soon before the bell rang and sat at their desks. ‘I still can't believe we got paired with Teruhashi and Chiyo. They're going to be all over us.’ Kaidou thought as the class slowly filtered in. ‘We’ve got to be careful if we don't want to get kissed.’ Saiki said, joking a bit. The two chuckled and sat a few minutes in silence, waiting for class to start.

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