Filler chapter

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(Not real chapter. Might use this later)

"Attention all students. This Friday their will be a school dance. Attendance is mandatory. The dance will be at 6:30 to 9pm. That is all"
'Good greef. Does this HAVE to be required?' Saiki was bugged about the dance. Its not like he cant go with Kaidou because there relationship is still a secret. "Hey Saiki." Saiki looked up to see Kaidou standing to the right of his desk. 'Shun? Did you want to go to the dance with me, as 'friends'?' Saiki nodded his head. 'Of course. It's only Tuesday so did you want to go suit shopping?' 'Sure. What time?' 'How about after school?' Kaidou nodded as the teacher walked in and class started.

Time skip to dance because I'm lazy

It was 6 o'clock and Saiki was helping Kaidou put his suit on. Saiki had on a black undershirt with a dull green tie and a dull pink suit jacket. Kaidou was in the middle of putting on his black raincoat. He also had on a white undershirt with a black tie and a dark turquoise vest. "Are you exited Kusuo?"
"I guess. I've never really gone to any dances so i have little to no idea of what to expect." Kaidou looked at Saiki after fixing his raincoat. "Really? Well its really fun. Even if we cant go as boyfriends we can still have fun." "I guess it could be fun." Saiki said as he grabbed his wallet. "Ready to go?" Kaidou nodded his head. 'Then lets go' Saiki said after he pocketed his wallet.
He grabbed Kaidous hand and teleported to an ally about 2 blocks from the school. 'So we cant be boyfriends at the dance and I'm cold with everyone so can I stick with you as 'friends'?' Saiki asked Kaidou telepathically as they walked to the school gym. 'Sure Ku~ how much do you want to bet that Teruhashi tries to get you to dance?' 'Probably yeah. What about Chio?' Kaidou giggled. 'Most likely' They walked in silence for a minute but they didn't mind, it was nice.

Once they reached the gym it was 6:34 and the doors just opened. People where still coming in. The 2 walked in and scanned the room. Their was a purple light that seemed to cover the room in purple light, streamers where hanging from the ceiling while a disco ball was in the middle. Speakers where placed in every corner and scattered around. To the left was a set up stage with 2 speakers next to it. To the right was the food and drink table(s). Their was a row of chairs and the center was a full dance floor. "So... Want to get some punch?" Saiki shrugged 'sure' As they walked over to the punch Teruhashi came over. "Hey Saiki. Fancy seeing you here" "Wasnt this mandatory?" Teruhashis face turned bright pink. 'IM SO STUPID! WHY DID I SAY THAT?! NOW HE WILL THINK IM AN IDIOT!' "I-um I-I" "Hey Saiki. I got punch. Which one do you wa-" Kaidou saw Teruhashi. Her face was so red. 'What the he'll happens?' 'She made a small mistake while talking to me' Kaidou tried to stifle a laugh. Key word tried. "Whats so funny? Dont laugh at me." Teruhashi huffed as she crossed her arms. 'Shun. Want go grab some food?' 'Sure' "I-its nothing. Hey Saiki, want to grab some food?" Saiki nodded and walked with Kaidou over to the food tables.
At the end of the dance everyone went home. 'That was fun I guess' 'Im glad you had fun Kusuo. Maybe we can go as a couple one time' 'Maybe' Saiki pulled Kaidou into the ally they arrived in. Saiki quickly teleported them back to his room. "So, do you want t-mmh" Kaidou was cut off by a pair of lips. Saiki leaned back and touched his forehead to Kaidous.

"I love you Shun"

Hey. Sorry i dont know how to start writing this again but I have some ideas. Im going to try my best. If y'all want more 'filler' chapters tell me and I will. Sorry for my absence

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