Chapter 16 (Short)

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Hey. School is sort of starting back up so I may sometimes write shorter chapters like I will now. Sorry for the inconvenience

Kaidou woke up first. Saikis arms were protectively holding the small male. Kaidou looked at the clock, "Shit!" Kaidou shook Saiki. "Kusuo, wake up. Its 7:24. We have to get ready for school." Saiki slowly opened his eyes and looked at the clock. He slowly got up and put on his shirt. "Shun, are you going to brush your hair?" Kaidou looked at Saiki then looked at his reflection and laughed. "Guess I have to do that." He was right, his hair looked like he has been through a hurricane. "Well hurry up, we are going to be late" Saiki said while handing (floating) a brush to Kaidou.

Once Kaidou was ready he grabbed his bag and walked over to Saiki. "Ready?" Saiki nodded his head and grabbed Kaidous hand. He telliported them to a small ally about 3 blocks from the school. 'I cant help but wonder what Teruhashis replaced memory is.' 'I can tell you once I find out if you like.' Saiki said smiling just a little while looking down at Kaidou. Kaidou blushed but quickly covered it up, but of course not before his boyfriend noticed.

'Your adorable.'
'N-no I'm not.'

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