(Rewrite) Saikis house

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Hi. For now I'm kinda just rewording things to make them a bit better but as I get further into the rewrite I may change it up a bit. That's all☺️

‘What was that?’

‘I just agreed to hang out. With Kaidou. After school.’ Saiki kept zoning out during class, not like he would miss anything. For most of the day he couldn't keep his mind off Kaidou, and if he was being honest, it scared him. Sighing, he tried to pay attention to his desk, with its many carvings and graffiti, suddenly finding it somewhat interesting.

Ψψ Time skip Ψψ 

-Brought to you by fluffy dogs

The last bell rang and Saiki was the first out the door. Walking to the gate to meet Kaidou.

“Did you want to go to my house?” Kaidou asked, grabbing his bag straps. ‘Please say your house. Please. Please. Please’ Saiki sighed before pointing to himself showing they should go to his. Kaidou smiled, “Ok, lets go.” He said, letting Saiki lead the way.

-Small time skip brought to you by Hairos bunny hops-

When the two walked in it was quiet. “Oh yeah. They went on a business trip.” Saiki said. He offered to take Kaidous bag before leading him to his room. Walking in Kaidou sat awkwardly on the bed. Saiki placed the bags down before closing the door. “S-so what do you want to do?” Kaidou asked, eyes looking at Saikis room. Saiki shrugged, “Movie?” He suggested. Kaidou shrugged, his face turning a dusted pink. Saiki went to look through the movies, back turned to the boy. ‘He talked again! He’s so cute. Why does he never talk?’ Kaidou thought, noting to ask him why later. ‘I just wish he would like me.’ At that Saiki sat up a bit which did not go unnoticed by the other. ‘Oh no! Did I say that out loud?! Did he hear me?!’ By now Kaidou was gay panicing. Saiki stood up and walked back to the bed, sitting down next to Kaidou. ‘What am I doing? Why can't I move? What is happ-’ Before Saiki could think his body leaned towards Kaidou. He stopped a few inches away from the boy, looking at him face to face. “S-S-Sai-k-ki?” Kaidou was frozen. ‘What is he doing? Why is he so close?’ Saiki was about to back away but stopped, ‘Why won’t he just close the space.’ Kaidou thought, a bit sassy. With that Saiki moved forward. “Saiki are y-mmh” Kidaou was cut off by Saikis lips on his. Kaidou froze, not knowing what to do despite running it through in his head multiple times. Saiki quickly backed up, ‘S-sorry. I d-don’t know w-what came over m-me.’ In the midst of his gay panic, Saiki didn’t realise he used his telepathy. Thankfully, Kaidou also didn’t notice. Reaching forward, Kaidou grabbed Saikis shirt and pulled him into a kiss. Saiki was surprised, an all seeing psychics was surprised. But it only lasted for a second as he melted into the kiss.

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