(Rewrite) Explanations

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I may not be able to update sometimes because my internet is shit. Please be patient.☺️

‘Crap, Kaidou noticed the paper.’ Despite the fact that Saiki left it on his desk in plain sight. ‘What do I say?’ Saiki was trying to think of a good excuse, of course he could just say he did that but those are perfect signatures of his parents (which he could also do…) “Hey Saiki?” ‘Yeah?’ Saiki responded with telepathy. ‘Woops, he had to have noticed that!’ Why did he keep slipping up around Kaidou?! ‘Did Saiki just talk without using his mouth?’ Saiki tried his best not to tense up, ‘No. Must be my imagination.’ He let out a breath, ‘Good grief.’

“How did you get your paper signed?” Here it is, the moment Saiki knew would come sooner or later, just not so soon. He had to tell Kaidou about his powers. ‘Better now than never I guess.’ Kaidou chuckled at the silence from the other, “It’s not like you can teleport.” Saiki softly chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “About that…” And with that, Saiki was at Kaidous side.

Kaidou stumbled back a stuttering mess. Once he calmed down a bit questions were asked. “So your psychic?” Saiki nodded. “And you can almost do anything?” He nodded again. “So this whole time you were ACTUALLY hiding powers when all I did was brag about mine,” Kaidou was close to tears. “No!” Saiki said, not wanting to see the other cry, “It’s fine. People do that. It’s not your fault.” He explained (More than what I want to try to write) Kaidou calmed down a bit and leaned into Saiki who hugged the boy in return.

They stayed like that for a few minutes until an alarm rang. ‘We’ve got to go to school.’ Saiki said, slowly releasing the other. “Fine.” Kaidou said as he got up to grab his bag and put his shoes on.

“Ready to go Saiki?” Kaidou asked, about to leave Saikis room. “You do know I can teleport right?” Saiki asked mockingly. “O-oh yeah.” Kaidou said laughing. “I forgot.” Saiki chuckled, “That’s fine. Lets go or we’re gonna be late.” Kaidou nodded before Saiki teleported them both near the school.

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