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A/N - so 82 chapters in and we are only just reaching the end of New Moon.....did not expect it to take so long tbh. But given the chapter limit for Wattpad, I will end book one at the end of New Moon and then work through Eclipse and Breaking Dawn pt 1 and 2 in the second book. 

- I have a lot planned for those three books, specifically the time that Bella and Connor will be honeymooning and stuff. So it makes sense to split the book. 

- Title ideas welcome. And anything you would like to see from Bambi and Edward. 

Bambi pulls on her jacket over an all-black outfit. Bella has gone to Italy. Alice has gone to Italy. Off to face some ancient vampires that might just kill them, but Bambi has a funeral to deal with. A funeral to deal with whilst she knows that her sister might actually die. Oh, if Bella survives this Bambi might just kill her herself.

"Bambi?" Edward asks from the doorway, she closes her eyes. She's not all mad at Edward, she can't be, he's her imprint and she loves him through everything, even him not having her back. Not supporting her against her stupid ass sister who apparently wants to get herself killed at the hands of some very bad vampires. She takes a deep breath and pulls the zipper of her jacket up.

"I have to go to the reservation" She states not looking at him. "I have a funeral to attend"

"Bambi" he starts, she lets out a breath and he stops. "She'll be fine," Edward tells her, she looks at him.

"We'll see" she counters, and he knows she's upset with him. That he didn't stand with her on arguing with Bella. He's supposed to be her partner, and he didn't have her back when she needed him to. She shakes her head and then walks away from him. Edward looks down a little. She's already been through so much and he does know that he should have argued, but he also knew it wouldn't change anything. Bella had already decided. She was going to go no matter what Bambi or Edward said to her.


Bambi stands at the back of Harry's funeral, she feels out of place, even if it is just in her head, she feels like she doesn't belong here. But she does, she is part of the pack, and they are here. Sam glances over his shoulder at her from where he stands with the rest of the pack. He whispers something to Jared who nods before Sam walks towards Bambi. She takes a deep breath and stands up taller, trying to hide her upset.

"You okay?" Sam asks as he joins Bambi, she reaches up and brushes away the tears from her cheeks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Bambi counters. "That the only person on the reservation that seemed to actually care about me, the only person that supported my whole imprint thing.....is dead?" She looks at Sam.

"Nadine" he starts.

"I don't want to hear it, Sam" she stops him. "Today isn't about you or me or Edward, it's about Harry." Sam nods a little. "At least let him be buried before you condemn me some more" She adds. Sam looks at his feet but caves, because she is right. Today is about Harry. Nothing else.


Bambi heads towards her car, but before she can reach it, Sue, Harry's wife, catches up with her and touches her arm. Bambi is surprised, she hasn't had any contact with the woman, though she knows who she is. Harry very much loved Sue, that was obvious.

"Nadine, right?" Sue asks, Bambi nods a little. "Harry left this....for you," Sue tells Bambi and then holds out an envelope with her name on. Bambi frowns but takes it from her.

"Urm...thanks" Bambi whispers and touches the envelope. "I...urm...I'm so sorry" She offers Sue who gives her a sad smile. "I really liked Harry"

"He really liked you too" Sue assures her. "Talked about you a lot"

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora