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Bambi bounces over to the table Bella is sat at, she smiles at her twin who waves at the table before sitting down. Mike smirks at the older twin.

"Angela, this is Bambi" he greets, "Bambi, this is Angela" Angela smiles at the girl who waves.

"Hi" Bambi greets and grabs a bag of potato chips from her bag. Bella glances behind them to the table where the Cullen's sit and then leans over to Jessica and Angela.

"Who are they?" she asks, Bambi glances back at the table, Edward looks away from her, Connor glances to Bambi and raises an eyebrow, Bambi raises one back.

"The Cullens" Angela answers, Jessica leans in, swinging into gossip mode. Bambi rolls her eyes and stands. They all look to her.

"I need to pee" she states and leaves, Bella frowns and watches her go. Jessica rolls her eyes clearly not liking the new girl.

"Anyway....they are Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago"

"They kinda keep to themselves" Angela offers far kinder than Jessica.

"Because they're all together. Like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett... they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal"

" Jess, they're not actually related" Angela corrects.

"But they live together. And the little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird.. ... she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain. I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker"

"Maybe he'll adopt me" Angela teases with a smile. Bella laughs, liking her... then glances back to the table, to the last Cullen.

"Who is he?" she asks.

"That's Connor Cullen" Suddenly, Connor looks over, as if he heard Jessica from across the room. His eyes meet Bella's. But he seems..confused. Bella quickly looks away. "His twin is Edward, who was just there a second ago. They're totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for them. Like I care" Jessica obviously does. "Anyway, don't waste your time"

"I wasn't planning on it" But Bella can't help but peek at Connor again. He's staring at her outright now, with a slightly frustrated expression that unnerves Bella. She hides behind her hair.


Bambi picks up a violin from the music stand and turns it around in her hand before setting it into place on her shoulder, she spins the bow in her hand and brings it over the strings, she smiles, she loves playing the violin, grateful she brought hers from Arizona, she takes a deep breath and looks around before starting to play.


Edward may be stalking, that is what it could be considered as ,the new girl, Bambi, the way she just walked away from Jessica's gossip, almost everyone loved talking and listening about the Cullen's it's part of their....attraction. Edward pauses outside of the music department, the sharp notes of the violin reaching him. He slows to listens, he's always found the instrument hauntingly beautiful and she plays it with perfect precision, every note is perfectly timed, the perfect tempo, the perfect amount of pressure on every stroke of the bow. He moves closer to the room and peers inside, her back to him as she plays. He concentrates on her, letting all other sound fade away, all other thoughts, and just her. There is nothing, her mind...empty, he's pretty sure that's not the case, but still, there is nothing coming from her, no images, no lines of thought just quiet. Peace. She stops playing suddenly mid stroke and turns her head to the side, not looking at him but sensing something, she turns to face the door, he's gone. She sighs and turns back away.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now