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Bambi bites her lip as she leans against her car. She's seriously considering going to see Edward. Between telling Bella, her heart to heart with Sam, she's feeling a little empowered and yeah, she's taking back control of her life. Doing what she wants. Taking back her life. She smiles and looks down at her phone as sends out the text before turning and climbing into her car.


Edward sees Bambi before she sees him. She's stood looking out over a lake in the Smith and Bybee Wetlands Natural Area in Portland. It's neutral ground. And she looks beautiful. He forgot just how damn beautiful she is. The way the light catches her face, the wind ruffling her hair. She turns slightly sensing his approach, not directly looking at him, just letting him know that she knows he's there. She's more nervous than she thought she would be. Seeing him again. Especially after the last few months. With all the Bella stuff and the wolf stuff. He smiles and walks closer to her. He can't believe she came. He knows she text but part of him still believed she wouldn't turn up. He knows she's been struggling with their renewed friendship. She turns to face him, her eyes meet his. And suddenly none of it matters. None of the time apart. The vampires. The wolves. None of it. It's like she is seeing him for the first time. The lines of his face. The colour of his eyes. The curve of his lips into that smile. She sees flashes of them together, laughing, smiling, she's even wearing a wedding dress in one of the images. Her breath catches as something inside of her shifts, clicks into place. She no longer feels like part of her is lost. She no longer feels broken. Her life suddenly makes sense. It's him. She's staring at him. His smile falls slightly because he can't read her. He doesn't know what she is thinking in this moment.

"Bambi?" he asks her softly.

"I don't know what's happening to me" she admits backing away from him.

"Bambi" he stops her by taking her hand. He frowns, he doesn't need to be a mind reader right now to know that something is wrong.

"What did you do to me?" she asks him. "Just then...what did you do?"

"Nothing" he answers. "I didn't do anything" he looks over her as she tremble. "Bambi" he whispers. She pulls her hand free and steps into his chest, instantly relaxing. She presses her head to his chest, clutching him close to her. Edward frowns down at her, his hands on her back wrapping around her. She feels safe. She feels home with him. He presses his lips to her head and just holds her. The two of them stood there together as the sun sets behind them.

"I'm sorry" she tells him, muffled by the cloth of his shirt.

"Why are you sorry?" he asks her pulling back slightly.

"I just feel like I'm sorry" she admits looking up at him. "Like..I did this"

"No" he assures her, brushing his fingers back over her cheek. "I should never have asked you to lie to your sister, not when I know how close you are"

"But I'm doing it again" she whispers. "She doesn't know I'm here, she doesn't know I'm meeting you"

"So tell her" he offers, she sniffles. "Bambi, if you need to tell her, you have to...she'll asks questions, and I'll answer them"

"What if she asks for him?" she asks.

"I tell her the truth....I don't know where he is" he admits. "He didn't tell me where he was going, and I've tried to stay out of Alice's head when she watches him because I know he doesn't want me to know....because he knew I would come back for you" he brushes the tears from her cheeks. "So if you don't want to lie to her, don't...." he brushes her hair back from her face so he can cup her cheeks. He searches her eyes and then leans closer, brushing his lips over hers, she closes her eyes and relaxes, almost melts in his arms as she kisses him back. It's been too long. She reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck.


Later: Edward keeps hold of Bambi's hand as they walk together, She should be thinking about getting back otherwise it's going to be the early hours when she gets back. She turns to him and lets out a breath, he nods, understands. She needs to go home. She needs to sleep and to think about her next step.

"It's okay" he assures her. "This is....more than I hoped for" he takes her hand and pulls it to his chest. "I'm really glad you picked up" he admits warmly. "Will you come back tomorrow?" he asks her, she hums a little.

"I'll think about it...I just...I need to talk to..." she stops a little and shakes her head. Because she knows she can't tell him. She can't admit that to him yet. She just wants this. Them. For now. He leans closer and kisses her cheek.

"I know there is something different about you" he whispers. "And you don't want to talk about it, and that's okay, just....I'm here, when you are ready" she nods and gives him a soft smile. She leans up and kisses him again before stepping back.

"I'll text you when I get home" she assures him as she digs out her keys from her pocket.

"Be careful" he tells her, she smirks and nods before climbing into her car. Edward watches her warmly as she drives away. He reaches up and touches his lips. Being around her again. It's like the light is finally back after an eternal darkness. He is home.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now