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Bambi Swan has always know she is different, always known, ever since she was little, there has always been something about her, something different, something off. Something the doctors couldn't even pinpoint, and considering the number she's seen that's something. The oldest of a set of female twins, Nadine and Isabella Swan were born to Charlie and Renee on September 13th 1987 in Forks, Washington, sadly at 3 months Renee left Charlie and took the twins with her, not that it affected the girls relationship with their father, the distance just made it difficult.

"Bambi" Renee, her lovable mother whispers in her ear, they've all learnt not to startle the 17 year old awake at this point, it never ends very well for anyone involved. "Bambi, come on, baby, it's time to get up" Renee strokes Bambi's dark hair and smiles as she grumbles about too early and going back to sleep. "Nadine..." Renee coos and smiles. "Today's the day" Bambi rolls over to look at her mother, still half asleep, but slowly returning to the land of the conscious.

"Today?" she asks and rubs her eyes, Renee waits for her to get there, for her mind to catch up. "Oh" Bambi then smiles remembering. Today is the day the twins, Bambi and Bella, move to Forks, move in with their father, Charlie. Unlike Bella, Bambi is excited to move, she'd been packed for weeks living out of her suitcase, Renee doesn't mind that her daughter seems to be wanting to move away from her, Bambi is a daddy's girl through and through whereas Bella prefers their mother. It's just how things worked out. Bambi loves nature and Charlie used to take her fishing with him, well he'd fish and she'd play in the water or chase butterflies. Bambi still visited even when Bella stopped, though the last year had been pretty busy with school and the wedding. Bambi smiles at her mother who strokes her cheek.

"I'm going to miss you both so much" Renee tells her, Bambi looks to her sadly.

"I'm going to miss you to, Mom" Renee leans over and kisses Bambi's cheek.

"I don't need to ask if you're packed" Renee teases standing up. "Will you make sure Bells' ready? You know she's terrible at packing"

"Of course I will" Bambi states pulling her hair up and pulling a hair tie around the ponytail. Renee smiles softly at her before leaving. Bambi jumps up and grabs her cell phone as it bings with a message, she smiles opening it.

I'll see you soon, Bambino x Dad

She sets her phone down and climbs out of bed just as Bella shuffles in and falls face first onto her twins bed and mumbles about moving, Bambi moves to her dressing table and grabs her tub of face cream, she's getting a head start on those wrinkles.

"Your idea" Bambi points out to her twin who grumbles some more and lifts her head.

"I know" Bella turns onto her back and sighs. "This is a good thing" she nods to herself.

"Then smile, sis" Bambi teases. "Frowning gives you wrinkles" Bella shoots her an unamused look, Bambi smirks, out of the two of them Bambi is the one of them that preens, she loves the way she looks, is confident and sexy and extremely comfortable with her body, Bella is self-conscious, prefers the baggy clothing, and is not all that bothered by make up. Complete opposites. Bambi turns back to her mirror and rubs in her cream as Bella stands. "Are you packed?" Bambi asks, Bella looks to her sheepishly.

"No" she admits, Bambi shoots her a look.

"We leave in.." Bambi looks to her clock. "Three hours..."

"I just need clothing..." Bella states. "It'll take me minutes" Bambi stands and moves to her twin, takes a deep breath and places her hands on Bella's shoulders.

"Just clothing?" Bambi asks, Bella smirks. "I wish you would let me into your wardrobe" Bambi grumbles playing with Bella's hair. "Or let me at your hair with my curlers"

"My hair is fine" Bella softly brushes Bambi's hands away.

"Fine" Bambi scoffs. "I wouldn't leave the house with fine" she moves back to her dresser and grabs her necklace and pulls it on.

"That's you, Bambi, not me" Bella states leaving the room, Bambi sighs softly and moves to her wardrobe to dress.


Bambi lifts her suitcases at the top of the stairs and carries them down, Phil, her mother's husband, smiles at her.

"Here, Bambi, I got it" he offers as she reaches the bottom of the stairs, she holds out the suitcases and he takes them from her and almost drops them. "Jeez, is your entire bedroom in here?" he asks, she laughs mockingly as she walks past him and out of the house. Bella stands looking out over the red, orange and gold landscape, holding a cactus (it's the only plant Bella's managed not to kill). Bambi bounces over to her and smiles wrapping an arm around her, Bella smiles at her, a little forced, but considering the younger twin didn't want to leave it is understandable.

"This'll be good for us" Bambi tells her. "And for Dad" Bella nods.

"I know..."

"He misses you" Bambi kisses Bella's cheek as Renee exits their house, she moves to her daughter and thrusts a cell phone at Bambi, Bella tries to hide her smile.

"It won't work again, baby" Renee tells her, Bambi looks to the phone and smirks.

"You put it on hold" Bambi tells her.

"I did?"

"Look. You also called Mexico" Bambi teases, Rene pushes her playfully, they laugh. Bella smiles watching them, Renee smiles at them both.

"I'll figure it out. You gotta be able to reach me and Phil on the road - I love saying that - on the road" Bambi smirks.

"Very romantic" She tells her mother just as Phil, exits the house, carrying Bella's three suitcases with ease.

"If you call crappy motels, backwater towns and ballpark hot dogs romantic" Phil corrects as he puts his Phoenix Desert Dogs baseball hat on Rene's head with a kiss. Bambi smiles warmly watching them and looks to Bella who nods, this, Phil's love of Renee, is why they want to give the newly weds some space. Phil heads to the old station wagon to load the luggage, while Renee slips an arm through Bella's and her other through Bambi's, clinging to her girls as they walk to car.

"Now, you know if you change your mind, I'll race back here from wherever the game is" But Renee's strained expression tells Bella what a great sacrifice that would be. Bambi shoots her twin a look and Bella forces a smile.

"We won't change our minds, mom" Bella offers. Renee looks to Bambi.

"I know you won't" Bambi smiles, Renee looks to Bella. "You might. You've always hated Forks"

"t's not about Forks, it's about Dad. I mean, two weeks a year, we barely know each other" Renee still looks at Bella worried. "Mom, I want to go. I'll be fine" Renee hugs Bella and Bambi see the truth on Bella's face, dread, doubt, regret. The twins share a look. Renee pulls back and cups Bella's cheek.

"You have Bambi...." Bella smiles and nods. "And she's got you" Bambi takes Bella's hand. "You'll be fine...you both will be" Bella squeezes Bamabi's hand, clutches to her. 

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