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Edward leans in Connor's door and watches him stare out the window, they've never been apart, twins in everything they do, even when Edward rebelled how ever many years ago it was, Connor was right there with him, keeping him from turning full on monster, even when they were human, everything they did, they did together, well almost everything, they're not...that freaky.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Edward asks, Connor nods and straightens his jacket, turning towards his twin brother, the only actual biological siblings within their family, though non identical, all you had to do was spend some time watching them, the way they move, the way they share looks, it becomes clear.

"I just need to clear my mind...." Connor tells him walking towards his twin. "Plus maybe you'll have better luck at figuring out the other one"

"Between the both of them I think Bambi will be the hardest to figure out" Connor hums in agreement.

"Bambi" he snorts. "I'm hoping it's a nickname" he teases, Edward smirks and nods.

"Nadine" Edward tells him. "Nadine Swan" Connor tilts his head to the side and shrugs.

"It's not terrible" he tells Edward who snorts and looks to him.

"It means hope" Connor looks to him and raises an eyebrow at his brother, Edward looks away and shrugs. "I think it does anyway" Connor smirks and squeezes Edward's shoulder.

"I'll call" Connor promises, Edward nods and pats his hand.

"Just...watch yourself" Connor nods and leaves, Edward turns his head to the window as the sun rises.


Bambi clasps the locks on her violin case and grabs her school bag before hurrying down the stairs, listening to Bella honk the truck horn. Charlie waves as Bambi darts past him, she waves over her head and hurries out the house and towards Bella's truck, the younger twin frowning at her sister as she climbs in.

"How the hell did you run in those shoes?" Bambi looks to her stiletto boots, Bambi shrugs.

"Just did....I feared for your trucks life" Bella shoots her a look and smirks. "The way you were smashing on it's horn I thought it was going to die" Bambi laughs as Bella starts the truck. It backfires and makes a stuttering noise, Bella looks to Bambi who laughs harder.

"I hate you" Bella grumbles at her sister. "So much right now" Bambi smiles. "The truck is fine" She pulls out of the driveway.


Bambi jumps out of the truck first, her heels splashing into a puddle, she glares down at it and tugs her jacket lapels and turns to Bella who smirks.

"Trucks revenge" Bella tells her, Bambi sticks out her tongue and grabs her bag and violin case from the cabin before shutting the door. Bella looks across at the Cullen cars and purses her lips.

"Want me to beat him up?" Bambi asks, Bella looks to her and smiles shaking her head.

"No, it's okay" Bambi moves to Bella's side and takes her hand, Bella squeezes it back.

"Don't forget I have music club after school...."

"I'll just chill in the library till you've finished...." Bambi smiles at her.

"Thanks.....I could have just walked home"

"I'm not that cruel" Bella offers as they walk towards the school. "Plus if it rains..."

"I'd be fine...I could just run" Bella laughs and nudges Bambi who smiles and nudges her back. "Even in these shoes"


Edward sits alone, again, history this time, again most student avoid him like the plaque, they fear him, he knows this, it's part of who he is, what he is. He glances back at the door as it goes, Bella and Bambi entering, there is two spaces in this class, one next to him and the other next to Jessica Stanley. Edward's not sure who he wants to sit where, he wants Bambi away from him, that temptation, he wants her to go away but then....he wants to figure her out, he wants to know what's going on in her head, he looks to her as she brushes her hair back behind her ear and smiles at her sister. Between the two of them Bambi is the more...natural beauty, the one people think of as beautiful, the hot twin as many of them have started to think of her as, and he can see it, she's got this air about her, she turns and her eyes meet his, her smile lessens slightly and she looks away again, he looks forward as the two girls walk past him to the teacher at the front, he takes his attention from the girls at least until Bambi takes the seat beside him, he supposes to her he is the lesser of two evils to her. He could talk to her, it would be polite, if they are to be sitting next to one another in more than one class, he looks to her as she pulls her hair up and away from her face. Still nothing, he gets nothing from her. Not even images. She pulls a pen from the corner of her notebook.

"Hi" He says before he can even stop himself, she looks to him and raises an eyebrow. "I'm Edward Cullen" And the whispers start, their classmates surprised and jealous that he's talking to her, and that she's talking to him.

"Bambi Swan" she offers, he smiles at her.

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