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Bambi leans on the sink in the bathroom and closes her eyes. Her head is killing her. She takes a breath and stumbles back a little pressing her hand to her head. She looks to her weekend bag and sighs. She and Edward had agreed on long distance and if that means that she sneaks away for weekends to see him then so be it. She opens the cabinet over the sink and reaches for her antipsychotic medication, her hand pauses and then she lowers it closing the cabinet again.


Bambi sets the weekend bag by the door and turns back to Charlie who looks to her softly.

"I can cancel it" she offers.

"No" he tells her. "No, of course not, it's a music thing.....you can't put your life on hold because of this" Bambi bites her lip and nods, she hates lying to him but it's best this way.

"Call me if she says anything, or moves..." Charlie nods and kisses her head.

"Don't worry" he tells her, she turns and grabs her bag.

"I'll call when I get there" she offers and then leaves the house, she sighs as she heads to her car. Her phone pings as she opens the trunk and she throws her bag in before pulling out her phone. A text from Edward asking if she's on her way. She takes a breath and then moves to climb in the driver's side.


Bambi leans against her car, arms folded over her chest as she waits in Hazelton, Canada. She went all the way to Canada to spend time with her vampire boyfriend. She stares at her shoes frowning at them. Her head is still hurting, aching, full. Edward walks towards her and smiles taking her in, it's only been a week and he feels like it's been forever.

"Hey, beautiful" he greets, an utter look of relief overs her features, only just nudging out the exhaustion that was there before. She leans up from the car as he reaches her.

"Eddie" she whispers, he strokes her cheek and then kisses her, holding her close to him. Both of them just drinking each other in. She clutches to his jacket and pushes herself up to her tiptoes. He pulls back and strokes her cheek.

"I've missed you" he admits then frowns stroking Bambi's cheek, he notes the dark circles under her eyes. "Have you slept?" Edward asks Bambi who shakes her head and then shrugs.

"I try" she answers. "But" she sighs. "Bella's been having these nightmares" she admits. "I don't know how to fix this, I don't know how to make it better" she whispers, exhausted and drained, Edward takes her hand and pulls her closer.

"Maybe you just need to let her get it out of her system, let her....grieve"

"He's not dead" she argues. "He was dick and made a dick move and broke her heart...."

"It's still grief" He corrects. "If it makes you feel any better Connor's the same, sulking in his room...."

"That makes me feel better a little" she whispers. He raises her hand to his lips and kisses the back of it.

"Just give her time" he tells her, she nods a little. He pulls her closer and she sets her head on his chest, he strokes her hair. "Let's go have dinner and then you can sleep" she looks to him.

"You don't eat" she points out.

"Then I'll watch you eat" he tells her back. She nods a little and he raises her chin. "Hey..." he whispers.

"I'm just tired" she tells him. He kisses her softly.


Edward stands at the hotel check in as Bambi leans against the wall looking around, her headache is back, she takes a breath and closes her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Edward asks pulling Bambi's hand from her head. She opens her eyes to look at him.

"Nothing" she answers.

"Tell me" he rubs his thumb into the back of her hand, she sighs and looks up at him.

"I stopped taking my medication" she admits. "And now I have this headache..." he kisses her forehead.

"Let's go upstairs" he tells her taking her hand.


Bambi collapses onto the sofa with a sigh as Edward sets their bags down by the bed. Bambi leans on her knees and rubs her head cringing. Edward moves to her and pulls her hands away.

"You're fighting it" Edward scolds gently pressing his fingers into her forehead. "That headache is you fighting your gift...." she lifts her eyes to his. "Release it" he whispers. "Just....let go"

"But the voices..." she admits.

"I'll teach you to control it" he promises. "But that headache is only going to get worse....so you need to let go of that fear..." he presses his forehead to hers. "Let it go" she closes her eyes and her entire frame relaxes and sags. He pulls her closer and kisses her head. "Feel better?"

"A little bit" she whispers, he sits next to her and takes her hand.

"You ever watch the tv and then push away all other sounds?" he asks. "Concentrate on what's in front of you that everything else just drops out..."

"I do that when I play" she tells him. "All I hear...is the music"

"Same thing" he offers. "You can do that with the thoughts too. Instead of fighting them just...push them back, sweep past them, focus on what's in front of you" she nods. "I'll order room service" he tells her softly standing from the sofa. "And you can try it on the bus boy" he moves to the hotel phone.


Bambi watches as the bell boy drops their food cart off, takes a tip from Edward and then leaves, Edward turns to Bambi.

"Well?" Edward asks smirking at Bambi, she looks to him.

"I don't want to say" she answers, he chuckles.

"No, fair enough....If I didn't know you were completely in love with me I would have been worried" she smirks and pulls the cover off her food.

"It's not often people comment on my eyes" she admits. "I'm smokin', I know that, people see my body or my skin, which is awesome and smooth...never had a spot in my life.....but my eyes" she looks to him. "People don't see them. They're pretty much pitch black"

"No" he argues. "They're not. They're brown and gold flecked and they're beautiful" she smiles a little and picks up her fork to eat.


Edward watches Bambi push her food around her plate but doesn't eat it. Any of it. She leans back and sighs crossing one leg over the other.

"Bambi" he states, she looks to him and raises an eyebrow. "Are you not hungry?" he asks moving to sit next to her, she shakes her head and leans against his side. "It's your favourite" he whispers kissing her head.

"I know...and I am sure it is the best chicken Caesar salad that was ever made...I just...can't eat" she admits, he rubs her arm.

"Well....maybe later" he offers, she snuggles into his side.

"I just want to sleep" she admits. "It feels like forever...." she sighs a little.

"Then go and sleep" he nudges her a little. "I'll be here when you wake up" she looks up at him.

"Promise?" she asks, he nods.

"I promise" he strokes her hair, she nods a little and then stands heading towards the bed. She falls face first with a groan and Edward smiles watching as she snuggles into the blankets. He rests his chin in his hands. "I love you" he tells her, she turns her head to him.

"I love you too"

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now