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Bambi sits in the nurses office having been called out of her last class for a.....'chat'. Bella had gone home 'sick' and she'd been told that after biology, so that's not what this is about, she sighs and leans back in her chair as she waits. The nurse and their biology teacher enter the room behind her and she looks to them.

"Ah Miss Swan" Mr. Molina gives her a small smile. "You're not in any trouble, don't look so worried" he tells her and takes the seat beside her as the nurse sits across from her. "It's actually to do with your blood test results" she frowns and looks to him.

"What about it?" she asks.

"Well...it revealed that you don't have a blood type...actually it's a blood type all in their own...called Rh-null" Bambi frowns.

"What does that mean?" Bambi asks. "What's wrong with me?"

"Absolutely nothing" Molina tells her. "It's rare, very, very rare but it happens...it just means that should you ever need it, then the hospitals might find it hard to find blood for you"

"Oh" Bambi fiddles with the ring on her finger. "How rare?" she asks.

"In 50 years there has only ever been 43 people recorded with it" the nurse answers. "You just have to be a little more careful" Bambi sighs.


Bambi knocks on Bella's bedroom door before stepping in, her sister sits on her bed with her laptop open.

"How you feeling?" Bambi asks sitting with Bella as she closes the laptop.

"Better...you know I'm not very good with the gore stuff" Bambi smirks at her and nudges her.

"You still up for the beach?" Bambi asks. Bella nods.

"Yeah, I feel fine now..." Bella sets her laptop aside and stands. "You wanna take your car or the truck?"

"Car, duh" Bambi answers quickly, Bella smirks at her twin knowing that would be the outcome. Bella grabs her jacket and the twins leave together.


It's freezing, but Mike, Tyler, Jessica and others suit up for a surf. Eric and Bella hang with them. Bambi wanders by the driftwood with Angela, who takes photographs.

"I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me to prom, then he just... doesn't" Angela states.

"You could ask him" Bambi offers, Angela suddenly looks flustered. "Take control. You're a strong independent woman" Bambi tells hes.

"I am?" Angela asks, Bambi nods and smiles at her.

"Bambi!!" Bambi turns to see Jacob heading towards her, she squeals a little.

"Jakey!" she runs to him, letting him lifts her up into a hug. He chuckles hugging her back. Bella smiles watching them as Caleb, and two other Quileute boys approach. Caleb waves to Bella who waves back.

"Guys, this is Caleb" Bella tells them others and looks to Caleb. "Are you stalking me?"

"You're on my rez, remember?" Caleb teases back. "Bambi called"

"Of course she did" Bella looks to her sister as she approaches with Jacob.

"You guys surfing?" Jacob asks.

"Definitely not" Bella answers.

"Keep her company. Her date bailed" Jessica teases, Eric and Mike look up sharply as Caleb snaps his head to Bella.

"What date?" Eric asks.

"She invited Connor" Bambi offers.

"To be polite"

"I think it's nice she invited him" Angela offers. "No one ever does"

"Because Cullen's a freak" Mike tells them.

"You got that right" One of Jacob and Caleb's friends states.

"You know them?" Bambi asks him.

"The Cullens don't come here" He tells her sharply, she rolls her eyes as Caleb shoots him a look, shakes his head. Bella registers this. A beat, then she casually pulls Caleb aside.

"You want to go look at tide pools?" She offers an awkwardly flirtatious smile. He grins, infatuated. They head further down the beach. Bambi sighs and then smiles.

"Well I'm going in the water" she states and moves to the side of the van where her bag is, Jacob follows her, Angela looks to Bambi.

"Did you bring a wet suit?" she asks. "We might have a spare"

"I don't need one" Bambi answers pulling her shirt off to reveal the bikini top beneath, Mike, Eric and Jacob stare at her.
"You'll freeze" Jacob offers, Bambi chuckles.

"You know I don't feel the cold" she pats his chest and shimmies out of her jeans, Angela and Jessica both shoot Eric and Mike looks and the two teens look away, Jacob does not. Bambi pulls off her shoes and smirks. "Coming?" she asks Jacob who smirks.

"Sure" he answers.


Bambi shakes out her hair as she leaves the water, Jacob holds out a towel and smiles.

"Here" he wraps it around her shoulders and she smiles back at him.

"Thanks" she whispers. "Hey, So, what did your friend mean about the Cullens not coming here?" She asks as Jacob grabs his own towel.

"Oops. Caught that, huh?" He moves closer to her, lowering his voice for mock-secrecy. "I'm not supposed to say anything" she lifts her eyes to his and gives him her best alluring smile.

"I can keep a secret...." she whispers back. Jacob laughs.

"It's just an old scary story. Did you know the Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?" he asks her, she smirks.

"Like fur, fangs ... doggy breath?" she asks. Jacob chuckles. "So the legend about the Cullens is.."

"Well, they're supposedly descended from this, like.."enemy clan." ... But they claimed to be different, so we made a treaty with them"

"I though they just moved here?" she asks.

"Or just moved back" he offers, she raises an eyebrow at him.

"So what was this treaty?" She asks, Jacob leans closer to her.

"If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, we wouldn't expose what they really were to the pale-faces...." Jacob pauses dramatically.

"AAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!" Angela runs past, chased by Eric waving a dead crustacean. Jacob smirks and starts back to the group, Bambi jogs to catch up with him, loops her arm with his, their conversation forgotten.

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