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Edward, Connor, Bambi and Bella walk toward a massive jeep parked in the drive. Edward glances to the twins and smirks, amused.

"Your father thinks you should both go to an all-girl's school" he tells them as Connor opens the back passenger door.

"No fair, reading Charlie's mind" Bella scolds lightly, as they climb in the Jeep, Bella notices a baseball bat "And since when do vampires like baseball?"

"It's the American pastime" Edward answers giving Bambi a wink, she smiles back at him.

"Plus" Connor adds. "There's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play. You'll see why" he teases, Bella and Bambi share a look.


Storm clouds gather in the sky as the jeep pulls up, Bambi, Bella, Edward and Connor climb out, Edward moves to Bambi's side and wraps an arm around her waist. She takes in a rough baseball diamond, set into an enormous field in the lap of the Olympic peaks. Esme and Emmett come to greet the twins.

"Good thing you're here. We need a umpire" Esme tells them both warmly, Emmett gives them both a big crooked grin.

"She thinks we cheat"

"I know you cheat" Esme corrects. "Call 'em as you see 'em, girls" Alice, who stands on the Pitcher's mound looks across at them.

"It's time" Just as a deep rumble of thunder shakes the forest. Bambi looks up at the sky and smiles.


And it's extraordinary. Bella and Bambi stay by Esme who plays catcher. Alice pitches with lightning-fast speed. Edward, Connor and Emmett take positions in the outfield. Rosalie smashes the ball with the aluminum bat. It cracks like thunder -- and is followed directly by real thunder. Bambi smirks and shares a look with Bella who smiles back at her.

"Now I get why you need the thunder" Bambi teases. The ball shoots like a meteor deep into the forest, rocketing through the trees. Edward disappears after it.

"That has to be a home run" Bella states.

"Edward's very fast" Esme corrects with a smile. Rosalie darts around the bases, almost a blur -- Edward races out of the forest with the ball and whips it to home plate. WHAP! Esme catches it a millisecond before Rosalie slides in, Esme glances to Bambi.

"You're out" Bambi states, Esme nods... Amazed. Edward and Carlisle share a look.

"Out! Whoo!" Emmett cheers Rosalie stands glaring at Bambi. "Babe, come on! It's just a game" Emmett warns, Rosalie glances to Emmett who shoots her a look. Rosalie walks past Bambi. The twins watch as Carlisle hits a line drive. Connor and Emmett race for the catch, diving 15 feet and colliding with such might that it sounds like enormous boulders falling. They miss the ball -- Carlisle is safe! Connor and Emmett both laughing pushing one another as they get to their feet. Jasper whacks the next pitch -- deep into the forest. But before Edward can chase it, Alice suddenly gasps.

"Stop!" Alice snaps. "I didn't see them.." They all stop. Edward and Connor are immediately at Bella and Bambi's side. The family instantly gathers at home plate. "They're travelling so quickly"

"You said they left the county..." Rosalie accuses.

"They did, but then they heard us...." Alice looks to Edward and Connor. "And changed their minds" Edward and Connor share a look before Connor turns to Bella.

"Put your hair down" he tells her.

"Like that'll help. I could smell them from across the field" Rosalie complains, Edward looks down at Bambi, he brushes her hair back.

"We shouldn't have brought you here" Edward looks between Bella and Bambi. "I'm so sorry" he tells her, they'd ask why, but suddenly, they all turn as one toward the edge of the forest where there's a faint rustle... then James, Victoria and Laurent emerge. As they near, Bella sees their bare feet, then the deep burgundy of their eyes. Laurent holds up the baseball.

"I believe this belongs to you" he tells them before he tosses the ball (his casual toss is still blindingly fast) to Carlisle who easily catches it and smiles politely.

"Thank you"

"Could you use three more players?" Laurent asks.

"Of course"

"I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James"

"Would you like to bat first?" Carlisle asks. Laurent picks up a bat. The Cullens take the field. Carlise is catcher, Connor is on first, with Bella behind him, near the Jeep. Edward and Bambi are on third. Bella sees that Connor's eyes are locked onto James. Laurent is at bat first. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us"

"Our apologies. We didn't realise the territory had been claimed" Laurent offers.

"Yes, we maintain a permanent residence" The three newcomers exchange a look of surprise.

"Really? Well, we won't be a problem any more"

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them East..." Victoria teases. Jasper pitches the ball -- Laurent slams it -- but Alice is up a tree is a flash and the ball slams into Alice's hand with a THWAP. Laurent is pissed, but James smiles ever so slightly, delighted at the discovery of worthy opponents. James is up next and he power-slams it with amazing force. He runs past first, past Connor, past Bella....the wind from the ball ruffles her hair, carrying her scent, which floats to James, who suddenly Screeches to a halt. His head whips around at her and he lurches into a crouch, his nostrils flaring, excitedly, eyes locked on Bella.

"You brought a snack" Connor springs in front of Bella, baring his teeth. A truly menacing, feral snarl rips from his throat. James growls back. Edward lifts Bambi up, and in a flash they and the Cullens rush into position behind Connor, Edward sets Bambi down and she pulls Bella closer to her -- Laurent and Victoria line up behind James.

"The girl is with us" Carlisle states, not drawing attention to Bambi.

"We won't harm her" Laurent tells them, trying to defuse situation.

Just try it" Emmett warns.

"I think it best if you leave" Carlisle tells the newcomers.

"Yes, I can see the game is over" Laurent agrees. "We'll go now. James?" But James' eyes don't leave Connor's. Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder, and finally, James backs into the woods with his cohorts, disappearing. Once they're gone, Esme immediately gathers up the bats.

"Get the girls out of here" Carlisle tells Edward and Connor. "We'll follow them" Carlisle, Jasper and a resentful Rosalie race off after the three vampires. Connor scoops Bella up as Edward does the same with Bambi. In a flash the two vampires have the twins by the side of the jeep. The four of them climb in, Connor pulling the jeep away before Bella has even done up the seatbelt. Edward glances back at the girls.

"James is a tracker. I saw his mind. The hunt is his obsession, and Connor's reaction set him off..." The tires spin as Connor whips the jeep around a bend. "We're a large clan of strong fighters all protecting one vulnerable human....we're lucky he didn't scent Bambi" Edward looks to Bambi who glances back at him.

"I just made this his most exciting game ever" Connor adds darkly. Bella blanches with the dawning realization of what she has just wrought up on them all as..the jeep careens down a dirt mountain road. A jolting, death defying ride, splashing through creeks, until they reach the mountain road. The jeep speeds down the road.

"The first place he'll go is your house. He'll track your scent there" Edward starts, glances to Bambi, knowing that James will likely pick up Bambi's scent their too.

"What?!? Charlie's there. He's in danger because of me. Because of us!" Bella argues.

"Then we'll lead the tracker away from him" Bambi offers. "Somehow. Right?" she asks looking to Edward. Connor angrily whips around a bend, mud flying.

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