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Alice is in the lobby of the Scottsdale hotel, settling the bill. Jasper loads up the car out front.


Bambi packs hers and Bella's things whilst Bella watches from the bed. Bambi's phone rings.

"Can you get it?" Bambi asks folding Bella's clothes into her bag, Bella nods and grabs Bambi's phone. It reads "HOME." Bella answers it.

"Mom, I'm so glad you got Bambi's...."

"Bella? Bambi? Where are you?"

"Calm down, Mom" Bella states, Bambi rolls her eyes. "Everything is fine, okay? I'll explain every" Bella hears rustling on the line, as if Renee dropped the phone. "... Mom? Are you there?" Then Bella hears a voice that sends a chill down her spine

"Nice house you have here. Not the best on the block, but comfortable. I was prepared to wait for you. But then Mom came home after she received a very worried call from your Dad. It all worked out quite well" Bella's eyes are wild with fear, she turns to Bambi who growls and moves to her, clicking her fingers, Bella hands over the phone, Bambi takes it and presses it to her ear. "I must say, Forks High School doesn't protect its students' privacy very well. It was just too easy for Victoria to find your previous address"

"You listen to me you piece of vampire scum" Bambi growls.

"Oh, the sister" James teases. "The....smells so sweet sister, I was hoping she'd put you on" Bambi stands up taller, trying to seem braver for Bella who watches her, terrified. "You smell...so much better then your twin, so much sweeter, I just..." James growls. "There is something about you...." he purrs.

"What will it take?" Bambi asks. "For you to release our mother?"

"Smart and sweet....." James purrs. "Mmmmm you'll both need to get away from your friends. Can you do that?" Bambi scoffs.

"No" she answers.

"If your mother's life depends on it?" James asks. Bambi grits her teeth, tightens her jaw, looks to Bella who looks back questioningly.

"Where should we meet you?" Bambi asks flatly.

"The old ballet studio around the corner. And I'll know if you bring anyone along. Poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake" he sniffs the air. "She smells like you. Delicious" Bambi hangs up.

"What?" Bella asks. "What did he want?" Bambi gives Bella a look. "Oh" Bella breaths, terrified, she turns and starts flinging open drawers, searching for a weapon - a pen, a sewing kit. Useless. Then she remembers...Her purse. She dumps out the contents, and finds the pepper spray Charlie gave her. She clings to it, her only protection now. Bambi moves to her and wraps her arms around her sister.


Bambi walks through the lobby of the hotel, her hand firmly in Bella's who cowers behind her, Bambi scans for Jasper and Alice. She spots them outside under the porte cacher, loading the Mercedes, deep in a heated discussion. She slips out the opposite door, rushes toward a Taxi and jumps in with Bella. The driver is an elderly woman with a hacking cough.

"8th and Palo Verde, please" Bambi asks pulling Bella closer. "Put that away" she whispers touching the pepper spray, Bella shoves it into her pocket.


Bella and Bambi climb out of the taxi. It pulls away, leaving them on the curb facing the deserted building. Bambi twirls her ring around her finger as Bella reaches for the pepper spray. Bambi turns to her.

"Don't do anything stupid" Bambi warns. "And if I comes to a fight....run"

"What about you?" Bella asks. "I'm not going to leave you behind"

"Yes, you are" Bambi corrects. "You know me....tough as old boots" Bella shakes her head, Bambi nods. "Yes" she tells her. "I'll be fine...." Bella looks down, Bambi hugs her and then pulls back. "Everything is going to be okay" Bambi whispers taking the pepper spray and putting it in Bella's jeans pocket. "I promise" Bambi tells her softly and holds out her hand, Bella takes a breath and then takes it. Bambi leads Bella towards the ballet school. Peers in the windows. The blinds are drawn. But from inside, Bambi can hear a faint sound..

"Bella? Bambi?" It's time. Bambi goes to the front door. It's unlocked. She looks to her sister again, Bella nods and they enter the school.


1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now