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Bambi leans back in the passenger side of Edward's car, when it had started to rain they'd move their conversation into the shelter of the Volvo but neither are talking. It's a comfortable silence, despite the unknown, despite that neither of them know what is going to happen next, they are still very comfortable with each other.

"What happens now?" Edward asks as he watches her. She sighs a little and looks at him.

"I don't know" She admits honestly, she has no idea what happens next with them, with any of them, but it has changed, everything has changed. Her outburst at Sam changed something, she can feel it, like she hacked a part of herself out when she walked away from him. She has no idea what she is returning to. If she even wants to go back. Edward reaches over and threads his fingers with hers on her knee, she gives him a tense smile. He understands. Everything for her has been....something after another, over and over, one thing than another, each one shocking her to her very core. It's not fair on her. He brushes his thumb over the back of her hand and then raises it to his lips.

"No matter what" he whispers softly. "You have me" he promises her, she leans closer to him, his lips finding her head. "And I know you have Bella" she nods a little.

"Thank you" she offers fondly, he kisses her softly before pulling back.

"Do you need me to drive you anywhere?" he asks her, she sighs and shrugs.

"I don't know" she repeats, she really has no idea what to do with her life now. He gives her a sad smile and brushes his thumb over the back of her hand.

"I have a place" he offers. "We can go there till you decide"

"What about my car?" she asks.

"I'll drive you back" he answers, she takes a breath and then nods.

"Okay" she whispers. He releases her hand and starts the car. Bambi glances at him, takes in his face, how long since she really looked at him? She's missed him. Everything feels so easy with Edward. Her life has been nothing but a great big pile of wolf poop since he left. Since they broke up, since she broke up with him. She made a mistake.


Bambi looks around Edward's apartment and smiles a little. It's so Edward. Books line the walls, historical aspects, earthy but warm tones. It's beautiful. Edward touches her shoulder.

"Let me take your jacket" he offers peeling the item from her shoulders and down her arms. She glances at him, Edward gives her a soft smile and moves to set her jacket over the back of his couch.

"So you just happened to have an apartment? Here?" she asks, he chuckles a little and motions to the couch. Bambi takes a breath and sits, pulling her leg up under her.

"I bought the apartment after we spoke, hoping that this reunion would happen" Edward sits at her side, his eyes drawn to her arm where her pack tattoo sits. "You got the tattoo" Edward comments touching her arm. The tattoo is faded already, her healing having gone a little too far but it did stick. She hums in agreement and nods.

"They wanted me to cut my hair too" she admits. "But I....argued..." he smiles and searches her eyes. "Persistently"

"That sounds like you" he offers fondly and then threads his fingers through her hair. "I'm really glad you kept the hair" she leans into his touch and closes her eyes.

"I actually have something good to tell you" she admits, Edward raises an eyebrow at her.

"What?" he asks, she smiles and nods a little readying herself.

"I got in" she answers, he cocks his head. "To the Royal College of Music" Edward smiles broadly at her, pride flooding him. He knew she could do it. "They accepted me for....early admission, for this summer"

"That's amazing" he tells her, she hums a little, less excited than him. "It's not amazing?" he asks her.

"No, it is" she assures him. "It is amazing....but....how can I go now?" he gives her a small smile. "With what I am...with what I can do" she looks away and sighs.

"Bambi" he touches her cheek and she looks back at him. "If this is what you want, if this is something you really, really want to do....do it" she gives him a look. "You can control your whole wolf thing, and you have time to figure it out...." she lets out a breath. "I have faith in you that you can do anything you put your mind to" she leans up and kisses him, he closes his eyes and smiles against her lips before he kisses her back. She pulls back and licks her lips a little.

"Why did I break up with you?" she asks herself, he glances down at her sadly.

"Distance and lies" he answers. "But we don't have that problem now" he assures her. "I am closer, and Bella knows I am around....we can do it this time" she nods a little and leans into him, his arm wrapping around her.

"The pack isn't going to like this" she admits, he shrugs.

"Let them try and stop us" he warns with meaning, she smiles, feeling the most relaxed she has in months.

1: Skinny Love (Ed. Cullen)Where stories live. Discover now