Chapter 62

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Disaster comes in this chapter, just a warning...👀😬

Hope you'll enjoy it! - M


Waking up next to Mia is one of my favourite times of the day, just having her body so close to mine and holding her at night is amazing.

I decided to let her sleep as I go have a quick shower. I turn the water on putting it on cold to help me wake up faster. After I'm done I just put my sweatpants on admiring Mia's sleeping form, she has my pillow in her embrace. I let out a soft laugh but quickly compose myself not wanting to wake her up yet. As I shuffle a towel through my hair I hear the doorbell ring.

I frown at the person that came unannounced at my place. I put the towel in the laundry basket before approaching the front door. I let the person ring the doorbell a few more times as I picked through the eyehole. My frown deeper's even more at who is standing outside the door.

How on earth did he found where I live? I open the door sharply still holding on to the doorknob and placing my other hand on the doorframe, not feeling comfortable with letting this person in my flat.

"What do you want here? How did you even find where I live?" I look over his tense form as he looks at me, I can tell he even feels uncomfortable.

"I asked around. It wasn't that hard to find where you live. You know uni students talk a lot. Look I just wanted to see if you know where Mia is, " unbe-fucking-leavable, this guy! I shake my head and toss around my hair.

"Why didn't you go to her friends place instead of here? Why didn't you call her?"

My frustration was rising by the minute? I just hope that I can make him leave before Mia wakes up but knowing my luck that's not going to happen.

"I did ask her friends, they wouldn't tell me where she is, that's what lead me to you. She wasn't answering her phone yesterday and I got worried about my girlfriend but you wouldn't know how that feels like, right?"

He has a smug smirk on his face that is just begging me to punch it off.

"Look, Carter, I think you should leave. I hate it when people come unannounced at my place, plus I don-"

"Ax why didn't you wake me up? We oversleep again! Carter? What are you doing here? "

Well, fuck me, again!

I rub my forehead with my fingers opening the door just a little bit more whilst turning to look at Mia. Oh, this is getting better and better she is just in one of my hoodies. I bet she isn't wearing panties underneath it.

Her eyes are wide as she pushes my hoodie down but theirs no use it keeps rising back up her leg. Carter laughing brings my attention back to him. I let him enter my flat as I go closer to Mia standing next to her.

"To busy fucking him to pick up your phone?" He asks.

"Carter want do you want here?" Mia says crossing her hands over her chest.

"So this is the guy? This is who was trying to win you over Mia?" He spats out the words when he's referring to me, talking slowly.

"Carter, fix your tone and get to the point or get out."

Mia takes a step towards him.

"I wanted to talk to you about our relationship in case you forgot it existed. As I can see you're being too occupied pleasuring him!"

He points his finger at me while approaching Mia making my whole body tense ready to pounce on him like a wild tiger protecting her children.

"We are on a break Carter. What I did or not with him is none of your business. We did agree that we could do things with other people if we wanted during our break, " she keeps her voice low and keeps eye contact with him the whole time.

"So this is the guy that stole you from me, unbelievable! I thought you had higher standards than this, " he chuckles and shakes his head, moving back and forth.

"I didn't steal her from you Carter. You lost her! Look you can meet her tomorrow and talk about things. You don't need to end it on bad terms," I say rubbing my forehead as I feel a headache coming.

"And what do you know about relationships? Last time I check no chick wanted to be around you for that long!"

He looks at me with a fire burning in his eyes but if I look hard enough, I might be able to catch a glimpse of hurt.

"Leave him out of our relationship, it's just you and me in it, " Mia takes a step to the side to catch Carter's attention back.

"Well, clearly not if you had feelings for him behind my back when we were together Mia, " he raises his voice a bit.

"Omg! Don't you get it Carter? I fell out of love with you weeks before me and him even became friends. I just failed to realize it until I started falling for him. Our relationship was doomed to failure before he even came into the picture!"

Mia startles us both by raising her voice and basically exploding on him. Everything she kept inside her for so many months maybe even years finally is being let out.

"Did you stop and think for a minute about why was I falling for another man when I was with you? What was missing in our relationship? What was going south in our relationship? Was it because we were constantly arguing? Was it because our sex life was not satisfying me enough and you didn't seem to want to fix it? Was it because you lay back on our relationship since we move in together and didn't put effort anymore? And even then I didn't give up on our relationship. I tried and tried to fix it because I loved you and I still do but not in a romantic way. I was afraid of letting you go. I was scared of how different my life will be after we broke up. You became a part of my routine for the past 3 years, that's a long time! I try to communicate with you, hint to you that something is going wrong but it seems like you were brushing it under the rug. You only put effort and took me out on a date, let me be on top when we had sex or pull on a grand romantic gesture for our anniversary when I told you to try harder because someone else wanted me. That's when you started to get worried and genuinely tried, " Mia takes a few long deep breaths before looking at him again.

"I'm not saying that I'm innocence in this shit. Maybe I should've tried harder. Maybe I should've kept pushing to have that conversation with you and be more demanding on some things. I should've had opened up to you about my feelings way sooner and maybe then you would have realized the level of the issue and work it out with me. Now its too late though. I verify that my feelings for him are solid and not just sexual attraction. Our relationship was over months ago Carter simply because to be in a relationship you need two people in love."

She takes a couple of steps back turning her back at him for a minute and hugging herself tighter, trying to hold in the tears on the bridge of her eyes before turning towards him again.

He never once tried to interrupt her during the whole time she was talking. He was clearly listening to her very carefully not wanting to miss a word. I can see though that with every word she spoke she was breaking him just a little more every time.

"In our, there was only one, " she finally lets out the last bit she wanted to say and hang her head lower.

Carter didn't say a word. What was there for him to say anyway? Mia just broke it off with him even though she didn't use those exact words we could all see that's what se meant. He kept looking down at the floor, nodding his head.

He turns back on his heel and opens the door slamming it shut behind him.

I feel my heartbeat rising at a fast pace. My breathing becoming more eradicate and palms sweating.

At this moment I knew that Carter wasn't the only one leaving through that door today.


Hey guys, I hope you're all doing well.

What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Will disaster continue on to the next chapter? I guess you'll have to wait patiently and see...👀😬

Next chapter coming soon...

Feel free to comment & vote! ❤️

I hope you have a nice day and night! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

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